ACC Season 6: Internal Operating Procedures
1. Introduction
This document outlines the Internal Operating Procedures (IOP) for the Anticapture Commission for Season 6 of Optimism Governance. It is designed to ensure alignment with the objective of the Anticapture Commission, with active participation of high context delegates, transparency, minimized governance, and clear accountability in line with the Commission’s goals and the Foundation’s guidelines.
2. Transparent Communications
2.1 Contact and Accessibility
Discord Channel: #acc-commission
Email Address:
ACC Multisig: Contract address on Optimism Etherscan
2.2 Landing Page
The Landing Page is maintained by the Lead on Notion, serving as the Anticapture Commission Member Hub.
2.3 Communication Thread
The communication thread on the Optimism Governance Forum is maintained by the Lead and/or members on the forum throughout the season.
2.4 Meetings and Office Hours
Office Hours: Optional, held once a Season. These can be used to discuss Members’ view on governance capture across Optimism Superchain, with one of the goals of ACC being to proactively prevent capture rather than react to capture.
Internal Meetings: Held every cycle on Tuesdays. Summaries are provided to the community via the communication thread.
3. Community Feedback
The Anticapture Commission seeks to actively incorporate community feedback to achieve its objectives and enhance its operations, while retaining the discretion to prioritize the most relevant suggestions.
We also seek to provide publicly accessible summaries of direct communications between members and/or with other stakeholders in the Anticapture Commission’s communication thread.
4.1 Cycle Alignment
The Anticapture Commission’s cycles will align with the 3-week Governance Voting Cycles of Season 6.
4.2 Scheduling and Deadlines
Review Period (Week 1 & 2)
- Discuss proposals that are being voted on as part of the Voting Cycle, identify the proposals that are subject to ACC exercising its voting discretion and provide feedback to approve proposals.
- Engage with any community concerns and feedback received during Office Hours.
Voting Period (Week 3)
- When an onchain governance vote where the ACC should exercise its vote is scheduled on the Optimism Agora governance portal (, the ACC Lead will create the relevant proposals in the Anticapture Commission Snapshot Space and Gnosis Safe Multisig.
- An internal meeting (held every Cycle on a Tuesday) will be scheduled before the conclusion of the Voting Period. This is to remind members to vote and discuss any necessary actions to be taken. Recordings and summaries are posted in the Communication Thread after the vote.
- Prepare a Cycle update for the Communication Thread within 3 days after the voting period ends.
- Continue engaging with community concerns and feedback during Office Hours.
5.1 Consensus and Voting
5.1.1 Snapshot Consensus
The Anticapture Commission Snapshot Space will serve as the platform for Commission members to build towards a consensus on internal operation aspects, such as any Amendments to the ACC. Snapshot Space votes will be determined by a simple majority of the provided member votes. Quorum is achieved when more than 40% of the members vote. If the commission cannot reach a consensus on a matter, the proposal will not pass and the required action cannot be taken.
5.1.2 Onchain Vote
An onchain vote is executed by the Commission on identified Optimism Governance Token House proposals where the ACC should vote, by utilizing the voting weight delegated to the Anticapture Commission Multisig. This will exercise the Commission’s vote directly on the Optimism Agora proposal through an onchain vote. The members of the Anticapture Commission will approve the transaction individually on the Gnosis Multisig, and when the required quorum is achieved (10/24) the vote will be executed as an onchain transaction.
5.1.3 Onchain Rejection
If, for any reason, a proposal that is under consideration by the Commission which has already moved to an onchain vote as per 5.1.2 has to be rescinded or re-voted, the existing multisig transaction nonce will be canceled by executing an onchain rejection. The members of the Anticapture Commission will approve the onchain rejection transaction individually on the Gnosis Multisig, and when the required quorum is achieved (10/24) the rejection transaction will be executed as an onchain transaction.
5.2 Types of Proposals for Voting
The ACC should vote only on proposals that are subject to veto by the Citizens’ House, and on other proposals only if they are flagged for potential issues.
5.3 Process to Flag Potential Issues
To flag potential issues, follow these steps:
- A new discussion thread is opened on the Governance Forum using the tag “acc.” and the potential concern is also flagged to the ACC through the official email address of the Commission: Delegates, other Internal Groups and Collective Members who wish to raise potential issues can also utilize the template for “Expression of Concern” to provide additional context on their issue and why it should be flagged and voted on by the ACC.
- To progress towards a Snapshot vote, approval from four ACC members is required. The ACC members who wish to approve a potential issue can indicate the same to the ACC Lead.
- Once at least 4 members of ACC have provided their approval on a potential issue, the ACC will file a report with the Citizens’ House, and simultaneously conduct an internal vote on Snapshot. Based on the consensus of the Snapshot vote, the Anticapture Commission will cast the official vote as an onchain transaction directly on Optimism Agora using the ACC multisig.
5.4 Transparency in Decision-Making
Public communication of Anticapture Commission Reports under review and rationale for decisions.
6. Logistical Operations
6.1 Member Responsibilities
- Provide feedback, approval and/or coordinate authorship of any reports circulated to the Citizens’ House.
- Must attend the ACC Internal Meeting at least once per season. Attendance can be fulfilled by making comments on the Internal Meeting agenda document and providing feedback.
- Maintain = > 70% voting participation on the Anticapture Commission Snapshot Space and the Anticapture Commission Safe (onchain) voting.
- Members must elect a Commission Lead each Season, by simple majority vote among qualifying members.
- Members may also elect a Commission Operations Coordinator (Ops) each season through a simple majority vote among Commission members. In the event that no Ops is elected, the responsibilities of the Ops will be assumed by the Lead.
6.2 Lead Responsibilities
- Draft and enforce the Internal Operating Procedures.
- Host the regular Cycle Anticapture Commission Call.
- Create onchain voting transactions from the delegation wallet, and Snapshot voting proposals for the Commission members to vote on.
- Author, or coordinate authorship, of any reports circulated to the Citizens’ House
- Request renewal of the program at the end of Season 6, if desired.
6.3. Ops Responsibilities
- Prepare written summaries of ACC Internal Meetings, which will be made to the Optimism Governance.
- Coordinate Member Activities: Track and document member voting, attendance, and other activities throughout the season.
- Authoring drafts for Communication threads and other ACC deliverables by coordinating with the Lead, as the need arises.
- Facilitate Approvals: Liaise with Commission members to secure approvals for urgent votes which may arise through the Season.
6.4 Resignation process
- If a member wishes to resign, they should inform the Lead.
- The Lead will then update the quorum on Snapshot.
- Their resignation will be communicated to the Collective through our Communication Thread.
- If the total number of ACC members falls below 10, the Foundation will remove delegation.
6.5 KYC
All members will need to KYC to vote as a member of the Anticapture Commission.
6.6 Vote Notification Mechanism
When a vote, concern or a proposal that requires the Commission’s deliberation is brought before the Commission, the members of the Commission are notified in the following manner:
- When the ACC is tagged on the Optimism Governance forum and a concern is emailed to the official ACC inbox, the Lead will document the concern and bring it to the other Members of the Commission by flagging it in the ACC Internal Telegram group.
- When an Onchain Safe Vote is created for the ACC, the Lead will plan on scheduling at least a 5-business-day period before the vote finalizes, giving Members of the Commission ample time to cast their vote. However, in instances where an urgent vote is required, the Lead may use their discretion in having a shorter voting window.
- When a Snapshot Vote or Safe Vote requiring the votes of ACC members is created, all members will be informed by tagging them in the ACC Internal Telegram group. This is the first notification for a vote.
- If an Optimism Governance proposal or vote is about to close without the ACC’s vote, Members who have not yet voted will be contacted via DM to cast their vote 1 day prior to the closing of the Governance proposal. This process will also be followed in case urgent approvals are required for any pending ACC vote, while the governance proposal is set to close imminently.
7. Accountability and Success Measurement
7.1 Success Metrics
Member Participation Rate: Calculate the percentage of members attending meetings and participating in Snapshot Space votes.
Community Satisfaction: Collect and assess community feedback on commission decisions and processes.
Transparency Score: Evaluate transparency based on meeting recordings, decision rationale, and vote records.
Organic Votable Supply Increase: Promote growth in votable supply by spotlighting high-context delegates and setting standards for top delegates.
7.2 Budget and Renewal
Members will receive group delegation but not OP rewards. The Anticapture Commission is set to be delegated 10M OP from the Governance Fund for Seasons 5 and 6, following approval in Special Voting Cycle #16a and further amendment in Special Voting Cycle #23b. After one year, the Anticapture Commission will need to submit a proposal for any continuation of the program to the Governance. However, the intention is for this program to expire after this period.
8 Modifications to the Internal Operating Procedures
Modifications to this document may be proposed during the first two weeks of a Voting Cycle. These changes require approval through a vote on the Anticapture Commission Snapshot Space. Any amendment will be considered approved once the required consensus is reached.
9 Templates
9.1 Template for Expression of Concern
I/We are formally expressing our concern regarding [Proposal / Decision / Mission Request / Grant] that is currently under consideration by the Optimism Governance. As a [Delegate / Representative of Working Group / other (please describe) ], I/we believe that the issue poses significant risks and drawbacks that need to be addressed before moving forward.
Issue Overview:
[Provide a detailed overview of the issue, including its background, what is at risk, the current status, and any relevant details that contextualize the problem, and if any governance vote is currently pending on the issue. You may include relevant links to discussions on Optimism Governance forums or other forums where the issue and its risks are identified or discussed.]
[First Concern]: [Explain the first concern in detail, including its implications and potential negative outcomes.]
[Second Concern]: [Elaborate on the second concern, providing evidence or examples where possible.]
Request for Anticapture Commission Vote:
Considering the aforementioned concerns, I/We request that the Anticapture Commission discuss the progression of [proposal / specific issue / decision, grant, etc.] and either vote against or share a Commission Report to the Citizens’ House with the concerns. I believe that this action is necessary to safeguard Optimism Governance, specifically [mention what is at risk - e.g., technical concerns, public interest, etc.].