Anthias Labs - Delegate Communication Thread

Anthias Labs Vote Updates 27 May 2024

Protocol Upgrade #7: Fault Proofs

We voted For this proposal as it aligns with our first and second principles of risk and decentralization respectively.

Protocol Upgrade #8: Changes for Stage 1 Decentralization

We voted For this proposal as it provides greater decentralization and reduces centralization risk within the Security Council specifically.

Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations

We voted For this proposal as it is a clear improvement to delegate and delegator experience with insignificant apparent downside for either party to cause a vote to the negative.

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

We voted to Abstain from this proposal as we are newer delegates and would like to see the Code of Conduct Council in action before opining on its utility.

Season 6: Intents Ratification

We voted For this proposal as we are aligned with the Season 6 intents. Intent #1 aligns with our first principle of decentralization. Intents #2 and #3 are areas we look forward to supporting further directly.

Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal

We voted to Abstain from this proposal as we are newer delegates and not as familiar with the work of the two candidates in order to make a sufficiently informed vote.

Season 6: Grants Council Operating Budget

We voted For this proposal as it aligns with our first voting principle of decentralization. We are excited to see the continued success of the Grants Council in Season 6.

Season 6: Intent Budgets

We voted For this proposal as we are aligned with the Season 6 intents and the budgets to support these intents.