AIRDROP #2 eligibility process suggestions

You could also use guild with a number of different integrations that are readily available to cross verify or 2FA with multiple requirements including github or twitter to access a private server and then give the google docs token gated access to those who pass the cross app integration gateway and continue to fill out the private form with designated wallet address to the submission for a proper safety procedure …

Then on top of that you could also pull the wallet addresses of those who have completed the form straight from the guild database and distribution of BAB could be done on a much more private level so there is no risk of personal information being shared without permission.

Plus the Attestation Station is also integrated with guild from OP Labs which is coming into play with the structure of the Optimism discord and token gated channels for designated members of the governance.

Building an attestation station also provides a great way to verify the authenticity of the user. We have recently opened a discussion about this and would love for members here to give additional feedback.