Tooling & Utilities nominations for RPGF2

The projects name : Boardroom

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack :

Boardroom is a platform that monitors the activity of governance delegates, such as voting power, number of votes, number of tokens delegated, proposals submitted, etc. And it displays all the information in an intuitive way to users, facilitating decision making when delegating or de-delegating votes. They also have integrated governance forum, snapshot and information about Optimsim.

Boardroom also provides weekly brief recaps of governance activity, the forum, delegates, proposals, news and governance calls. This recap is posted on the forum:

Personal note on Boardroom’s nomination: Boardroom received a grant in phase 1, using 80% in incentives for delegations and 20% to maintain and update the site. These funds, I understand, do not go to the rest of the activities that Boardroom performs that add value to Optimism.

Link de Snapshot:

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

GitHub: Boardroom, Inc. · GitHub

Contact info :

Forum user:: @duncand