Season 6 Nominations: Grants Council

Note: Based on our experience in the Builders Subcommittee of the Grants Council during Season 5, SEED Latam presents this nomination with @leo.sagan (github here) for taking this role. As we usually do with other positions, we conceive the inclusion of support members for internal work of the reviewer. In this opportunity with support from @Pumbi, an Optimism Ambassador. This approach aims to improve the review process of Optimism Governance Proposals by providing timely feedback and valuable insights to the proposers, ensuring the best possible outcome for each proposal.

Council sub-committee: (if applicable)
Audit and Special Mission Reviewer

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you:

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared:

Do you have a technical background?: If so, please elaborate


• Experienced IT consultant with 20+ years of professional experience in the industrial and commercial fields. Driven by a passion for design and R&D he worked as Head of R&D, Chief Technology Officer, Consultant and other Full Stack positions

• Past participations in renown projects include: Maker Growth, Mode Network, Bloq inc., 8-bit LLC,

• Programming: TS/JS, C#, GoLang, Python, Java, Bitbucket, Github

• Frameworks/Tools: NextJS, VueJS, React Native, Xamarin, TailwindCSS, VictoryCharts, Stripe, Bitbucket, Docker, Serverless, Vercel

• Protocols/APIs: Lens SDK, OpenAI, Push Protocol, Lit Protocol, Ceramic Network, Arweave, IPFS, SubSocial network

• Blockchain/Web3 tools: Ethers.js, Web3.js, RainbowKit, Wagmi, HardHat, TheGraph, Infura, Alchemy • Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, Firebase, ClickHouseDB, Goldsky • Miscellaneous: IoT Development, GIS/ERP systems

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role and/or your sub-committee:

  • Co-Founder and Technical Lead at Nata Social: Co-Founder and Technical Lead for a decentralized social media platform.
  • Full Stack Engineer at ETH LATAM: Set up and launched the quadratic funding round and its faucet on the Optimism network for the participating projects.
  • Full Stack Engineer at Maker Growth: Developed a business intelligence platform for marketing campaigns of the MakerDAO ecosystem.
  • Full stack developer & blockchain consultant at Bloq:
    • Main projects included:
      • Bloq.Stake, Ethereum POS staking services infrastructure
      • Vesper.Finance, DeFi platform across multiple chains including Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche
      • Bloq.Cloud, managed nodes infrastructure
      • An Algorand-based vertical application (proof of concept)
      • Pure.Finance, dapp toolkit platform
  • Blockchain Consultant at Coinspace: Conducted cryptocurrency markets research, tokenomics analysis.
  • Full Stack Engineer at Mode Network: Developed with the Mode team the backend logic for the airdrop seasons
  • Head of development and Blockchain research en 8-BIT LLC


  • Team Leader of Optimism EspaĂąol

  • Head of Content at Solow Cripto

  • Optimism Ambassador

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective? If so, please specify which:
Pumbi is lead at @OptimismEsp and member of @seedlatam optimism delegation.

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:
SEED Latam:

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:
Our perspective on what makes a strong Mission Application centers on a thorough understanding and alignment with the objectives set in the season 6 intents. Effective proposers should actively engage in office hours to resolve any uncertainties, invest time in grasping the different phases of the Season 6 schedule, and continually seek feedback from evaluators. This approach helps formulate a strategy that benefits all stakeholders.
A solid Mission Application should align with the Optimistic Vision, provide detailed impact and execution plans, have a reasonable cost structure, manage expectations and risks, emphasize community and sustainability, and uphold the open-source philosophy. In contrast, ineffective applications often overlook traction, present vague distribution plans, and offer suspiciously self-serving incentives, targeting multiple ecosystems without contributing long-term value to Optimism.

What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:
Mission Requests that will achieve the Season 6 Intents—Progress Towards Decentralization, Growing application developers on the Superchain, and Bringing chains to the Superchain—should focus on direct development of the Superchain and its applications. We are particularly interested in projects that enhance decentralized mechanisms, support developers with resources and tools, and facilitate the integration of new chains.
Our team, with Pumbi’s as an experienced ambassador and Leo’s technical skills, is well-equipped to evaluate these projects thoroughly. Effective Mission Requests should advance decentralization, grow the developer community, and integrate new chains into the Superchain ecosystem.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.
Any related to the organizations SEED Latam, Optimism EspaĂąol and as well as any other that might be related to our developer assistant and contributors. Any identification will be duly communicated in the future.

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual 1:
Yes, we understand

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6:
Yes, we understand

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations:
Yes, we are able


Grants Council Self-Nomination Template

Please keep your answers as concise as possible while conveying all relevant information.

Council sub-committee:
Mission Reviewer

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you:

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared:

Do you have a technical background?:

Boardroom’s infrastructure stack integrates with over 350+ DAOs and over ten governance contract frameworks, providing technical support, governance tooling, and data services. We have extensive experience in platform integrations and governance operations and a full-stack technical team that can adequately analyze potential changes to a product stack. Our team has expertise in analyzing DeFi grant proposals, ensuring that they are technically sound, aligned with strategic objectives, and capable of delivering measurable outcomes.

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role and/or your sub-committee:

Boardroom has extensive experience working with a variety of DAOs and decentralized governance processes. Specifically, our expertise includes:

  • Governance Support and Facilitation: Boardroom has provided comprehensive governance support to multiple DAOs, including drafting governance frameworks, ensuring regulatory compliance, and facilitating effective community communication.
  • Technical Expertise: Our team has strong technical backgrounds in blockchain development, decentralized finance, data analytics, and contract auditing, ensuring practical evaluation of grant proposals.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We have engaged with developers, token holders, and community members to foster inclusive governance processes.
  • Educational Initiatives: Boardroom has conducted workshops and training sessions on governance best practices and proposal drafting, empowering community members to participate actively in DAO contribution.

Boardroom has previously engaged with the following DeFi communities:

  • Aave
  • 0x Protocol
  • Compound
  • Moonwell
  • Synthetix

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective?

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

Boardroom has significantly contributed to the Optimism ecosystem by integrating the governance stack and its upgrades to our dashboard and API, which are used by several third-party projects. This enables voting on Snapshot and onchain proposals and delegation. We collaborated with Agora on integrating updates to the governor contracts. Additionally, we have provided “Weekly Recaps” for governance updates, ensuring the community stays informed.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

A good Mission Application should align with Optimism’s strategic intents, providing clear objectives that demonstrate specific goals. It should include a detailed plan with comprehensive steps, timelines, and milestones. Demonstrating community benefit is crucial, showing the positive impact on the Optimism ecosystem. Inclusivity is key, engaging a diverse range of community members. Accountability should be maintained through transparent processes, and the application must outline well-defined evaluation metrics to measure success and impact.

What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:

To achieve the Season 6 Intents, Mission Requests should focus on several strategic areas:

  1. Progress Towards Decentralization: Proposals should aim at both technical and organizational decentralization, including improving fault provability, governance execution, and expanding the development ecosystem. Projects enhancing the security and resilience of the network are crucial.
  2. Bring Chains to the Superchain: Mission Requests should focus on integrating new chains into the Superchain, enhancing interoperability, and supporting technical infrastructure. This includes features like OP Plasma and protocol-enshrined revenue sharing.
  3. Grow Application Devs on the Superchain: Initiatives should aim to increase the number of active developers on the Superchain, support developer growth, and boost demand-generating applications. Projects could include infrastructure partnerships, developer tools, and vertical-specific growth campaigns.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest:

Boardroom is a neutral, independent third party trusted by governance participants across multiple protocols to create and manage governance tooling without bias. We do not anticipate any conflicts of interest that could affect our role in the Optimism Grants Council. Our position as a neutral entity allows us to provide unbiased analysis, data, and recommendations, ensuring that our contributions remain objective and focused on creating long-term value for the stakeholders of the Optimism ecosystem.

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual:
We verify that we understand.

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6:
We verify that we understand.

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations:
We verify that we are able to commit ~20 hours / week.

Grants Council Self-Nomination Template

Gm gm :slight_smile:
I’ve been following the great work of the Milestones and Metrics committee and would be excited to contribute to the effort to continue streamlining the processes and support the generation of documented best practices that other chains in the Superchain can build on top off.

Council sub-committee:

  • Milestones & Metrics Reviewer

In Season 6, per the approved Grants Council operating budget, there will be 18 spots in the council - 12 reviewers, 3 Milestones and Metrics subcommittee members, 2 Audits reviewers and the Grants Council Lead. The Lead was already elected via the operating budget passing, so there are 17 spots remaining to be elected.

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:
LauNaMu delegate profile

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you:

  • 0.05%

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared:
Voting history Token House
Citizens House Voting History

Do you have a technical background?:
I’m not a developer but have a good understanding of the tech based on my previous work as a Tech Product Manager.

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role and/or your sub-committee:

I have over 5 years of experience in Tech startups and Consulting streamlining and optimism operational processes based on the design, implementation and correct definition of KPIs, their measurement, evaluation and iteration. This work to the standardization of data-driven improvements and workflows. I believe this will prove to be very valuable as the Subcommittee continues to drive streamlining of efforts within the Grants Council and for Grantees.

Over the last months I’ve been working with multiple ecosystems in the web3 space to review and and advice on the improvement of their Grants Programs to improve the efficiency of the allocation of funds. This has enabled me to see from a Grant Operator perspective a diverse set of challenges to be overcome when tracking the performance of grants and the pitfalls grantees have when defining clear and achievable milestones.

Additionally, I’ve served as a Grant Reviewer for the Octant and Arbitrum ecosystems and through this I’ve been exposed to multiple types of grants to be reviewed and evaluated.

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective? If so, please specify which:

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

  • Badgeholder RetroPGF3:
    • Created the Impact Evaluation Framework and Metrics Garden leveraged by Badgeholders and other Community members during RetroPGF3 and GG20.
    • Held 5+ workshops to onboard Badgeholders into the RetroPGF3 overall process and the evaluation process. This workshops and support to Badgeholders led to the creation of at least 7 different Lists used in RetroPGF3.
    • Have organized 3 IRL events (Devconnect, EthDenver, FtC Berkeley) for Citizens House members to connect and to provide feedback into tools that were being explored, and are now being used or have been released, for upcoming RetroRounds.
  • Member of the Citizens House Feedback Commission
    • Have provided feedback on the design and process for the platform for RetroPGF4 and communication prior to the round.
  • Developed and scoped three of the Mission Requests approved to be completed in Season 5.
  • Optimism Translator

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

  1. The Application must demonstrate a clear understanding of the problem defined in the Mission and why the proposed solution is a good fit to solve for this problem. It’s important that the logic being followed to go from problem to solution is clear and sound.
  2. The solution proposed in the application must demonstrate a clear logic on how it be developed (clear steps that will be followed with KPIs and milestones that lead to the final outcome) and why this steps are needed.
  3. Clear explanation on why this team is a good fit to develop this solution, whether it is previous work or in depth knowledge of the solution/problem space.
  4. Clear KPIs on what success will look like for this Application. Not just the metrics to measure the KPIs but the actual numbers under which it would be considered successful.
  5. Narrow, clear, and publicly verifiable Milestones.

What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:
For Intent 1
We need to understand how we can make delegating tokens easier and what the interests are for those that have tokens to delegate: what’s their profile, where can we reach them to get them to delegate, etc.
Hence why I would focus on a two pronged approach:

  1. Research
  • Develop research that identifies Token Holder personas and define what their characteristics are so we can motivate their participation in governance through delegation of tokens.
  1. Tooling:
  • Creating a Farcaster frame template that Delegates can use to ask to increase their delegation (people should be able to delegate directly on the frame)

For Intent 3
We need to understand hollistically what a developer needs to come and build in the superchain beyond money.

  • Build proper and more comprehensive infrastructure to make being a developer in the Superchain attractive:
  • Non financial resources: documentation, support, marketing.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: N/A
Any new conflicts of interest that arise will be communicated in time.

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual : Yes, I understand.

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6: Yes, I understand.

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations: Yes, I am able to commit to this.


Hi @Antoine! While perusing your application, I noticed that you did not specify which Council sub-committee you are self-nominating for. The current options for sub-committees are ‘Mission Reviewer’, ‘Milestones and Metrics Reviewer’, or ‘Audit Reviewer’.

Please remember that you should be only self-nominating for one of these positions, and as a worthy note, the top 3 ‘Mission Reviewers’ will be considered ‘Superchain Mission Reviewers’ (so no need to self-nominate for that sub-committee in particular).

Grants Council Self-Nomination

Council sub-committee: Mission Reviewer

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile: Not a delegate but after being an RPGF recipient, the ETHSafari team will be delegating OP to select members of the community.

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: N/A

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date: (You may link to your profile on Karma 1, if applicable.) N/A

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: N/A

Do you have a technical background?: If so, please elaborate

No technical background, but I am a hackathon judge & organizer so I spend a lot of time surrounded by eager developers.

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective? If so, please specify which:
Not officially, was selected as the alternate GovNerd for season 6 but unofficially I introduce OP in African communities.

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

RPGF#3 recipient

As Binance P2P is the main platform for crypto in African communities, I’ve contributed to spearheading workshops IRL & virtually to introduce communities to how to use OP (ex.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

I think it’s important to focus on my philosophy given the context of season 6 intents. Specifically my philosophy on growing developers on the superchain is deeply influenced by my extensive experience with hackathons. I firmly believe that mission proposals, being time-bound with clear milestones to be achieved within a 12-month period, face constraints from the current regulatory market and user experience challenges that hinder the creation of applications with real demand. Consequently, the focus should be on developing projects that provide genuine experiences using the superchain. There’s a pressing need for innovative implementation in sectors such as governance, transportation, and infrastructure, which are currently underserved by this technology.

For the other two intents, my philosophy is straightforward: can we educate people about the concept of public goods? I have a particular preference for public goods that extend beyond the digital realm to incorporate physical goods. Coming from a country where censorship is pervasive, the path to decentralization is not just important but essential. The tangible impact of physical public goods can drive home the value of decentralization and the importance of building resilient, inclusive systems. A focus on new chains that act like Polkadot’s ecosystem of parachains would be invaluable from my experience.

What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:

Contrary to my extensive experience in hackathons, I believe more resources need to be allocated to long-term support programs and less towards short-lived incentives, as this is essential for the long journey to decentralization. While there is still room for virtual and in-person hackathons, such as the Season 5 mission request I supported here, to truly progress towards decentralization, mission requests should focus on:

  1. Combating Information Fragmentation
  • Unified Information Platforms: Develop platforms that aggregate and organize fragmented information, providing a coherent and user-friendly interface for accessing superchain-related data.

  • Decentralized Knowledge Repositories: Create decentralized repositories that store and share information across the superchain, ensuring data integrity, accessibility, and resistance to censorship.

  1. Tools to Lower Information Overload:
  • Smart Filtering Tools: Build AI-powered tools that help users filter and prioritize relevant information, reducing noise and improving information quality.

  • Content Summarization Solutions: Develop applications that automatically summarize complex content into concise, easily digestible formats, helping users quickly grasp key insights.

  1. Improving UX and Accessibility:
  • User-Centric Design Projects: Redesign existing superchain applications with a user-centric approach to enhance usability and accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities.

  • Accessibility Toolkits: Create toolkits and frameworks for developers to build more accessible and inclusive superchain applications, ensuring compliance with global accessibility standards.

  • Localization Efforts: Implement programs that localize superchain applications for different languages and cultural contexts, making them more accessible and relevant to a diverse global audience.

By emphasizing long-term support programs and sustainable initiatives, these mission requests can significantly contribute to the journey towards decentralization. This approach addresses critical issues of information fragmentation, reduces information overload, and improves user experience and accessibility, fostering a more decentralized and inclusive ecosystem.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: None

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual : Yes, I understand.

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6:: Yes, I understand

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations: There were 530 applicants and only 130 finalists in the last grants council round…with the superchains growth this number will only increase. Narrowing these applications in the short 3 week seasons will take more than 20 hours in certain weeks. I know this because the current grant council dedicates a lot of time to be available to the community and I would happily do the same.


Hello members of the Optimism Collective. I am convinced that you could benefit from fresh blood, and my experience in the blockchain space and activity in various fields of this segment can certainly be useful for the role I am applying for. I would like to point out that I have an economic education and have been professionally involved in evaluating investment projects, creating business plans, analyzing them, valuing enterprises, valuing projects, as well as valuing blockchain projects for several years. I graduated in this field from the most renowned economic university in Poland. Additionally, I am a member of the Blockchain Experts Association. I have been active in this space since 2019. My first significant involvement was in DeFi, where I tested many projects and protocols that I used. You can certainly evaluate this by examining the activity of my wallet, which is indicated in my profile.

Additionally, I have been a speaker at many international conferences, including NFT NYC 2023, NFT London, Web3 Berlin, and several others. I am certainly one of the more recognizable figures on the Polish crypto scene. I must note that I also invest in early-stage projects, which is why I believe my knowledge and skills in analyzing these projects can be a significant asset for the role I am applying for. Furthermore, I must mention that I tend to be quite critical and meticulously analyze the business assumptions of projects. Given that I have been valuing enterprises for several years, I pay close attention to the business model assumptions and the potential for generating future cash flows from a given project. Therefore, I believe this skill will be a significant advantage compared to other candidates.

  1. Council sub-committee:
    Optimism Mission Reviewer

  2. If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

  3. If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: 0,00%

  4. you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date: 0%

  5. Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: none

  6. Do you have a technical background?:
    In the context of my technical experience, I graduated in IT. Moreover, both during my studies and after, I created econometric models and studied economic phenomena using various types of software. Therefore, my strong suit is the ability to analyze data and design business models.

  7. Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role and/or your sub-committee:
    In the context of my non-blockchain activities, for several years I have been responsible for evaluating business projects, creating business models, business plans, and corporate strategies. Additionally, for a few years now, I have been the president of the Economic Institute, which performs expert analyses for court proceedings. This demonstrates my responsibility and diligence in carrying out the tasks entrusted to me. Moreover, having been in the crypto market since 2019, I have utilized many DeFi protocol models, which has helped me understand the tokenomics of various projects, assess their effectiveness, as well as their economic fundamentals.

  8. Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective?:

I have been or am a member of several collectives not associated with Optimism. One of them is the NFT Polska Collective, which brings together a community around NFT-related topics. I am one of the main members. Additionally, I have been a member of artistic NFT collectives, where we selected various works for collections that were released to the market. I was also a member of the UniDao community, which brought together experts from various fields to support blockchain technology initiatives in Poland. Furthermore, I am a member of the Blockchain Experts Association in Poland, which is currently creating its own DAO and will operate in this form in the coming years. Besides strictly DAO organizations, I have also participated in numerous votes on project proposals related to the tokens I hold in my wallet. These were often projects from the Cosmos, Ethereum, and Arbitrum ecosystems.

  1. Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:
    In the context of my contribution to the development of the Optimism blockchain, I would like to note that I have been using it practically since its inception due to my fascination with DeFi solutions. From the very beginning, I have also held a portion of the Airdrop that I received as part of the initial campaign that awarded funds. One of the first projects I used, tested, and helped improve was Synthetix. Additionally, within the Optimism ecosystem, I have also been active in projects such as Tarod, Yearn Finance, Compound, Curve, Synapse, Lyra, Bundle, Thales, Alchemix, SushiSwap, and many other smaller ones.

  2. Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:
    I believe that in the context of evaluating projects applying for grants, I have extensive experience both in traditional business and in the Web3 space, in terms of evaluating projects objectively as well as for my own investments. Recently, I have invested in projects such as and cookie3. Additionally, I would like to point out that my economic experience, assessment of business model assumptions, verification of these assumptions, and the rationality of adopted values in the context of forecasts will be an essential and reliable verifier of what projects will include in their grant proposals.

  3. What types of Mission Requests do you think will help achieve the Season 6 Intents?:

• gaming and social
• DeFi

  1. Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: none

  2. Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual: I understand, yes

  3. Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6: I understand, yes

  4. Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations :Yes, I do verify that I will be able to commit ~ 20 hours / week

Hey @kokocares! Please select a subcommittee:

  • Mission Reviewer
  • Milestones and Metrics Reviewer
  • Audit Reviewer


Self-nominations for the Grants Council have closed on June 5th, 2024, at 19:00 GMT. Any nominations submitted after this comment will not be considered valid. This post is now locked.

Many thanks to everyone who self-nominated for the Grants Council!! Elections will take place during Special Voting Cycle #23b from June 13th to 19th.

The Grants Council Election Town Hall will be held on June 11th at 17:00 GMT. More information will be shared soon, but please mark your calendars as all self-nominees are requested to attend if you’re able to. The goal of the Town Hall will be to ensure delegates can get to know the Grants Council nominees better and make an informed vote.