[READY TO VOTE] Decentralized rollup-as-a-service

I voted for this mission requests as I believe it’s quite well defined and something that would benefit the collective if implemented.

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I would encourage you to contribute to roll-op. It currently doesn’t have a cloud component, but it could be built-in in two ways:

  • Use a cloud deployment solution (like kubernetes) to run roll-op on multiple hosts
  • Add commands to roll-op to perform the cloud deployment.

Happy to chat (@norswap on Telegram & Twitter)

Please note this mission includes not only open-source RaaS infrastructure but also a decentralized onchain network to connected people running the RaaS infra (whether open-source or not) and customers (people who want to have their chain run).

Could you share bit more on the onchain part? So it’s like a marketplace connecting Rollup User and Node Operator? But in this case we still need to make sure that the Rollup User is in control of the chain…

This part is much more predictable tho

I believe a small prototype is not too difficult at least. I did some work on this as a hackathon project that may serve as inspiration (fair waning: it’s hackaton-level quality) https://twitter.com/norswap/status/1720768602268479789

Like I said, you could literally just deploy roll-op on a bunch of cloud servers and be done with the open-source RaaS (we’re working on a solution that uses Ansible part), so I do believe the decentralized part is the crucial bit here.

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This is super helpful and a really powerful construct as the commoditization of node is not even rollup specific?

The tricky part now is how to ensure the switching is smooth and doesn’t cause down time. Maybe some sort of incentive to run stand-by nodes where the incentive diminish only when we have sufficient backup stand-by nodes.

Our proposal only applied for half of the grant amount (only eligible for ember tier), and the final milestone is a detailed spec for onchain coordination and incentive game.

Not sure we could reuse everything in the ansible project as ansible seems to focus more on day-1 ops (one-off tasks) while k8s is more suitable for something long running (monitor, maintain, health-check). And we definitely want to run rollups for a very long time

We are also applying for this mission request with Scalind. We’ve previously developed a RaaS solution and wanted to potentially attract investors to this project, but it’s hard since from the start we wanted to make it open and avoid vendor locks. We’ve got a working setup that we can make open-source, and ready to work with the community, @norswap and others to make it a truly open tool everyone can use


This is fantastic. The nature of decentralized RaaS is we need more than 1 service provider! :laughing:


We applied to the Mission from WakeUp Labs!
We took into account some of @norswap’s recommendations to build it as decentralized as possible.
Happy to hear feedback from the community!


Hello @0xMilton I just noticed that in one of your milestones for the decentralized rollup-as-a-service platform, you have this item: “Add Block explorer feature to rollup service”

We are building a lightweight open source block explorer as part of our mission grant, link here — we actually got the grant in the same cycle as you :slight_smile: I believe our explorer would be an excellent option for your RaaS!

Feel free to ping me on Telegram (@rmazur) or email (roman @ walnut dot dev) to discuss integration.


That’s great, @romanm!
Thank you for the proposal and congrats on your project.

I believe leveraging your lightweight block explorer is a great idea. I am open to exploring this possibility for our RaaS development. This collaboration could empower both our projects and, in general, the Superchain :+1:

I’ll ping you via Telegram!

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