Joint House Call: September 10th, 2024
Recording: September 10th, Joint House Call recording
Slides: September 10th, Joint House Call slides
- Upcoming Proposals:
- Upcoming cycles will feature proposals to move the GovFund on-chain, allowing intent budgets to be transferred to the Grants Council or relevant managers. Agora will post a draft to support that.
- There will be a post clarifying how the superchain registry, blockspace charters, log chains, and interop fit together, and their timelines.
- On-chain execution and Blockspace Charter ratification will happen before the end of Season 6, with enough information provided for voting.
- Retro Funding 6: Guest Voter Participation with Emily:
- Currently there are two cohorts of voters that were selected with a specific selection method: Citizens that were selected via Web of Trust and Round 5 Guest Voters that were selected via Proof of Work.
- In Retro Funding 6, 100 randomly selected guest voters will be introduced, forming a control group. These voters will need to complete a survey to participate.
- Stakeholders across the collective will blind vote on resource allocations to determine which group’s decisions are better, without knowing which group made the decision.
- The goal is to understand if specific selection mechanisms, such as web of trust or proof of work, produce different outcomes than random selection.
- There will be a mentorship program in Round 6, but due to scaling limitations, only half of the guest voters will receive onboarding to test its effectiveness.
- Citizens will have a fail-safe option in Round 6 to reduce the voting power of guest voters if any signs of collusion are detected.
- Impact Metrics Garden:
- The project collects standardized qualitative data from core OP Stack developers, delegates, and users through on-chain reviews.
- Reviews focus on how users would feel if the contribution didn’t exist, offering valuable insights to badge holders for making funding allocation decisions.
- Impact Garden is not officially part of the rounds but serves as an additional tool for evaluating and showcasing contributions within the Optimism ecosystem.
- Cycle 26 Grants Final Roundup:
- 29 new applications in Cycle 26, along with 24 applications carried over from the previous cycle.
- List of applications.
- Retro Funding 5 applications are closed! Check all projects here:
- Foundation Mission Request are open and looking for applicants:
- Research Assistance with stakeholder interviews – Submit by: Friday September 13th
- Analysis of S6 Growth Grants [DATA] – Submit by: September 23rd
- If you want to show your project you can go to Discord and apply to be in the Demo Day: Demo Day Discord Channel
- If you are a delegate or a badgeholder go check DeVouch, a simple tool to vouch for or flag projects.
- There is going to be a Workshop by Token Engineering Academy: GovXS - OP Retro Funding Voting Design Evaluation – Foundation Mission Request #188 – Badgeholder Workshop. Monday, September 23, at 17:00 UTC
- See the Mission Request ranking for Cycle 27 here: Cycle 27 MR List