Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread

Joint House: May 21st, 2024

recording: May 21st Joint House Call Upgrade AMAs.mp4 - Google Drive
slides: May 21st, joint house call slides - Google Slides


Upgrade Proposal: Fault Proofs

  • No permissions anymore on who is allowed to submit a proposal.
  • Anyone can challenge a proposal.
  • When a proposal is submitted, the FaultDisputeGame contract along with the off-chain OP-challenger, will work together to either properly invalidate malicious proposals or defend valid proposals.
  • Main safety nets are an off chain monitoring system to monitor all proposed roots, window delays that allow the Guardian to reject the root and stop invalid withdrawals; and DelayedWETH contracts that handles bonds that people put up.
  • If this proposal is accepted, withdrawals that have been proven but not finalized will need to prove again.
  • A Sherlock audit contest was made, mainly focused on safety mechanisms.
  • The sequencer will continue to provide one output per hour, there is no limit on how many outputs can be submitted.

Upgrade Proposal: Guardian, Security Council Threshold and L2 ProxyAdmin Ownership changes for Stage 1 Decentralization

  • Increase of the Security Council Safe’s signing threshold, from 4 to 10, out of 13 owners.
  • Reassigning the role of Guardian from the Foundation to a new Guardian Safe with the Security Council Safe as its sole owner for additional safety.
  • Reassigning the owner of the L2 proxy admin to the 2 of 2 multi-sig that is jointly held by the Foundation and Security Council.
  • The concern that a high threshold of 10 of 13 has is around key loss of Security Council safe signers, liveness extension system provides a strong confidence that the Security Council signers are live, if they’re not, it gives a recourse to recovery, so every 14 weeks a signer needs to be seen simply by executing a transaction or calling the system and confirming that they still have their keys and they are live. If they are not seen during that 14 week period they can be permissionlessly removed.
  • What the DeputyGuardian module allows is for the Foundation to continue being that incident response actor while allowing us to meet the decentralization properties of the Security Council, being able to enforce the exit window. That means if the Foundation were ever to pause withdrawals and then refuse to unpause, the Security Council is able to remove, revoke the Foundation’s authorization to act as the guardian, and then the Security Council can unpause the system so that withdrawals can proceed.

Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations

  • This is a further enhancement to how absolute and relative vote calculations for advanced delegation users are made.
  • It’s a proactive upgrade we’re doing where there’s a chance that if you mix using relative voting power and absolute voting power with our advanced delegation alligator contracts, you could get into a situation where you’re voting with slightly less voting power than you actually are
  • Fixes the issue found when mixing relative voting power and absolute voting power with advance delegation alligator contracts and getting into a situation where you are voting with less voting power than you actually are.