Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread

Joint House #39: April 23th, 2024

Recording: April 23rd joint house call recording.mp4 - Google Drive
Slides: April 23rd, joint house call slides

  • Two proposals passed on Voting Cycle #21.
  • As season 5 is about to end, now is time to leave feedback: S5 Feedback thread
  • We had Ben Jones talking about three different upgrades are coming in voting cycle #23A:
    • Governor upgrade: all upgrades that are governor contracts, will go through a token vote. It will be a quite small upgrade; bug fixes, UX improvements, etc.
    • Fault proofs upgrade: fault proofs will be soon out to mainnet.
    • Modification to the pause structure: will be splitted into two proposals. The other one is effectively a role change in the smart contracts system, right now the Optimism Foundation plays the guardian role for the OP Mainnet and this is effectively the ability to pause the system in the event of emergency fixes, being too much control for the foundation to have directly, the second upgrade along with fault proofs, will basically shift the fundamental ability to pause over to the Security Council.

The Security Council will be able to unilaterally revoke the right from the Foundation to permanently pause the system in case it is misused.

  • More information will be out soon!

  • Retro Funding 4: Onchain Builders was announced:

    • The round sizing will be of 10M OP, the impact generated between October 2023 - June 2024 will be rewarded.
    • Sign up: May 23rd - June 6th
      • One of the topics on the forums post on what impact will be rewarded is “Interactions from Optimism users with high trust scores” this refers to onchain reputation. Data sets are being currently collected and the aim is to try to find an index of reputation scores or experiment with different reputation data to determine this.
      • Anybody will be free to create and propose impact metrics, a survey workshop will be coming up with Badegeholders to get input on what type of metrics the voting process should feature.
      • If you want to know better how the design for the voting interface looks like, there is a calendy link to schedule a call for user testing in the badgeholder discord/telegram channel.
    • Eligibility criteria: in order to facilitate the voting process, reduce low-quality applications and reward as many quality builders as possible, a more specific set of requirements was set for eligibility.
      • Read the forum post for details.
      • For NTFs or ERC20 contracts to be eligible it is important to be the actual person that deployed that contract, applicants will need to sign a message with the deployer address.

We are holding a Speed-Networking event on Zoom this Friday 26th at 17:00 UTC - 13:00 ET - 19:00 CET, make sure to be there!