[NEEDS SPONSOR] Building a on-chain open community collaboration management platform

Delegate Mission Request Summary:

Op Gov enables community members to propose, discuss and vote on governance proposals / RetroPGF.

S5 Intent:

Rich features to help users examine governance data, vote on referendums, and manage treasury.

Proposing Delegate: checkpoint

Proposal Tier: Ember Tier

Baseline grant amount: 50,000 OP

Submit by: To be set by Grants Council

** Selection by: ** To be set by Grants Council

Start date: To be set by applicant

Completion date: To be set by applicant


How will this Delegate Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

Establishing a governance structure conducive to community consensus and participation, contributing to the sustainable long-term development of the project. Creating a more open and inclusive ecosystem for RetroPGF to attract a broader community involvement in project development.

What is required to execute this Delegate Mission Request?

  1. Proposal Submission and Review: Users submit proposals on the platform, and they undergo a review process to ensure compliance with rules.

  2. Community Voting: Introduce a voting feature, allowing community members to vote on proposals.

  3. Transparency and Discussion: Ensure transparency in the proposal and voting processes, providing a discussion area to facilitate community interaction.

How should the Token House measure progress towards this Mission?

  1. Execution and completion of experimental milestones as per proposed timelines.

  2. Regular updates to the Grants Council on experimental progression on every milestone completed, highlighting user engagement metrics.

How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

  1. Implement proposal submission and display, including the status of proposals, with storage on the blockchain.

  2. Enable badgeholders to review, communicate, and vote on proposals.

  3. Record badgeholders’ voting information, aggregate data, and store it on the blockchain.

  4. Implement voting functionality for RetroPGF.

Have you engaged a Grant-as-a-service provider for this Mission Request?


Has anyone other than the Proposing Delegate contributed to this Mission Request?


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Welcome to the forum and thank you for the contribution on Mission Request.

Mission Requests can be proposed by Top 100 delegates this season. So, if you are representing one from the list adding a link to the delegate statement would be helpful.

Or if you are not a Top 100 delegate you may move this to be picked by a delegate over here



GM @checkpoint! If you are a Top 100 delegate, please include your delegate statement. If not, kindly share your proposal in the sponsorship thread to find a sponsor. Labeling this post as [DRAFT] may reduce its visibility, making it less likely for people to realize the need for a sponsor. Thank you for your participation in this process! :sparkles:


Retirating the above comments, you’ll need a Top 100 Delegate to sponsor this proposal by this Friday, January 19th at 19:00 GMT in order for it to be considered for delegate approvals

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