[Mission Request]: Intent #3B: Support the Superchain

Intent 3 is subdivided into two portions:

  • Intent 3A: OP Mainnet Mission Requests will be created by The Grants Council and approved by the Token House
  • Intent 3B: One Superchain Grant Mission Request will be created by The Foundation and approved by the Token House

There will be one Mission Request under Intent 3B, proposed by the Foundation.

Mission Request Intent #3B: Support the Superchain

Support the Superchain

Mission Request Summary: L2 Chains listed in the Superchain Registry (or similar) will be able to request OP to make grants within their own ecosystems. This is similar to Distributed Domain Allocation and creates a scalable strategy to support the broader Superchain by empowering OP Chains to leverage their ecosystem specific expertise.

S6 Intent: Intent 3B

Proposer: Optimism Foundation

Total grant amount: 12M OP (approved as part of the Intent budget)

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Multiple

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

  • To grow faster and scale Ethereum more effectively, the Collective must support the Superchain, a network of OP Chains building together. OP Chains on the Superchain contribute revenue back to the Optimism Collective, and share in the Collective’s security, governance-approved upgrades, retroactive public goods funding, and ecosystem support. While the Grants Council will otherwise support application developers on OP Mainnet, this Mission will support the distribution of grants to spur developer growth across the Superchain, an important component of Intent #3: Grow application developers across the Superchain.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

  • The Grants Council will process applications from OP Chains requesting tokens to run their own grants program but will not process individual grant applications for other OP Chains.

  • While grant decisions will ultimately be determined by the Grants Council, the Foundation suggests an objective framework like the below for relative allocation under this Mission Request:

    • We suggest allocating 65% of the Intent 3B Budget to OP Chains already in the Superchain, distributed pro-rata based on contribution to the Collective to date (excluding OP Mainnet).

    • We suggest reserving the remaining 35% of the Intent 3B Budget for new OP Chains, defined as having launched mainnet within the last six months, joining the Superchain throughout the Season. In the case of new Chains, we recommend budget be allocated according to the Foundation’s Superchain Health Dashboard.

    • We suggest a cap of 3M OP for any individual L2 OP Chain, to prevent winner takes all dynamics.

    • OP Chains should be able to apply in any grants cycle throughout Season 6 to accommodate new chains coming online.

  • Requirements for participating chains:

    • OP Chains are expected to disclose:

      • (i) the amount of unlocked tokens they’ve received to date from the Foundation, and
      • (ii) the total amount of their Foundation grant size.
      • no additional Foundation grant deal terms are to be disclosed
    • Qualifying OP Chains do not have to have an existing public grants program in order to apply.

    • OP Chains should brand these grants as “supported by the Optimism Governance Fund.”

    • Participating OP Chains are encouraged to make grants consistent with approved Mission Requests under Intent #3A.

    • Participating OP Chains are highly encouraged to coordinate with the Grants Council on best practices to create a consistent grants application process across the Superchain and to avoid repeating mistakes we’ve already learned from. The Grants Council may design mechanisms to facilitate shared learnings and/or OP Chains applying to this program may be required to collaborate with the Grants Council to adapt best practices.

    • Grants made by OP Chains will also be subject to the Collective Grant Policies. These policies include standard lock-up policies and stipulate that OP Chains must not use their grants to run grant programs that directly target users from any other OP Chain (e.g. making grants to migrate protocols or users from Mainnet to another chain).

    • OP Chains participating in this program will be required to sign an agreement with the Foundation.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?


  • Grants to OP Chains will be subject to the typical milestone based delivery and assessment process. The Milestones and Metrics committee will assess completion of milestones, as usual.
  • Any tokens not granted via OP Chain grants programs at the end of 12 months shall be returned to the Governance Fund.


  • Participating OP Chains must publish a retrospective at the soonest of the completion of their grant or within 12 months of grant delivery demonstrating the impact of grants made on the target metric under Intent #3 (number of active developers.)
  • OP Chains are required to capture the contracts deployed by each grant recipient so impact analysis is possible. It is recommended that grant recipients also create a project in the Retro Funding app.
  • [We suggest collecting information on the Foundation’s metric menu to facilitate comparable analysis.]


  • The impact of OP Chain grants programs should be assessed relative to outperformance on the metrics stated in the application and relative to the impact generated by the Grants Council under Intent #3A.

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request? The Foundation has received feedback from the Season 5 Grants Council and the Collective Feedback Commission.


How do Chains Apply for this grant?

Hey @mbuffara - applications for qualifying OP Chains listed here (eventually in the Superchain Registry) will open in the next few days. This post will be updated with a link to apply once its ready :pray:

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can you share the template of the form?

can you share the template of the form?

@mbuffara @PeaceY Here’s the form template to apply:

make sure to join the space with this link



We’ve received several questions about the eligibility criteria for this program. The Foundation would like to clarify that the original intent of this program was that it would apply only to L2 Chains that are contributing revenue to the Collective. You can see that in the suggested framework, which suggests allocations be made “pro-rata based on contribution to the Collective to date” and that a portion of allocation be reserved for new chains “defined as having launched mainnet within the last six months.”

Nothing about the suggestions made in the original proposal have changed. However, a spreadsheet was linked in this proposal that also included chains that have only launched on testnet and this caused some confusion among applicants. That spreadsheet was shared across multiple teams, creating a dependency that we should have monitored more closely.

The Grants Council has furthered clarified the framework they will use to administer this program here: CharmVerse - The Network for Onchain Communities

It’s important to remember that the authority to determine the framework by which these grants are distributed has always been granted to the Grants Council as stated here:

While grant decisions will ultimately be determined by the Grants Council, the Foundation suggests an objective framework like the below for relative allocation under this Mission Request