We are R&D’ing mechanisms that can ease some existing painpoints that all the delegates & badgeholders pointed out in this post. One use case of Doxa we are thinking particularly is leveraging the crowd (definition of crowd is TBD) to determine what projects/individuals should NOT receive the Retro Funding. If any delegates/badgeholders wanna brainstorm mechanism that is both easy-to-play and EV+ for the collective, plz reach out!
At the recent Funding the Common event, @LauNaMu and others pointed out the following pain points from the badgeholders
- how to allocate the right #OP between e.g. Funding the Commons vs. Solidity
- how to nudge badgeholders think in terms of a project’s past contributions
For the first point on # of OP to allocate to:
- Maybe Doxa can serve as one of many “impact metrics” that badgeholders can refer back to.
For the second point on badgeholders:
- The result of Doxamarket could potentially evaluate the performance of badgeholders.
These are all valid concerns. Time-weighted, votes-weighted, and “alignment-weighted” pricing mechanism could potentially address these issues. That being said, We’d love to work closely with the GovNerds and Gigabrains inside the Collective to combat all these edge cases in market manipulation.