Infrastructure & Dependencies nominations for RPGF2

The person’s name: Christian Reitwiessner (ethchris)

A description of how the person has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Chris has provided outsized value for the OP Stack. As team lead and creator of Solidity, he has led the creation of the most widely used language to write smart contracts on Optimism Mainnet. All of the OP Stack contracts are also currently written in Solidity.

In addition to the value Chris has created as the driving force behind the creation and improvement of Solidity until his departure in late 2022, he has been very helpful to the OP Labs team over the past few years of building out the OP Stack. From the early days of the Optimism Mainnet network (back when it was Optimistic Ethereum), Chris was enormously valuable in helping us understand the tweaks we had to make the Solidity compiler to make contracts compatible with the OVM. While most of that code has been deprecated during the re-architecting of the system over the past 1.5 years, Chris saved the OP Labs engineering and research contributors enormous amounts of time by reliably providing support when we needed it.

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: Chris’s Twitter

Contact info for the project or project lead: Chris’s Twitter

I work for OP Labs. I am making this nomination in my capacity as an individual and not on behalf of OP Labs.

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  • The projects name: Chainlist
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Chainlist keeps a list of all public RPCs, along with their privacy policies and performance.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: GitHub - DefiLlama/chainlist
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead: 0xngmi on twitter
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  • The projects name:
    Launchifi - No-Code Smart Contract Launchpad

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    Launchifi Platform - Launchifi enables creators with little or no technical knowledge the ability to write, deploy and verify their smart contracts to Optimism, along with other popular EVM based chains, with just a click of the button. Having full ownership over their smart contracts, we are empowering these creators to truly have full-control over what gets included in their smart contracts and what doesn’t with a wealth of advanced configurations and contract types at their disposal. Our full suite of smart contracts and configurations are all available for free to any creator looking to launch on Optimism.

  • Development in Progress:
    Within the Launchifi ecosystem we have a number of features set to roll out in the next few weeks. One of which is a contract manager, which allows users to access and make calls to their newly deployed contracts all from one dashboard. This will be a very similar experience to Remix, only much more user friendly and integrated for all the chains that we support, most importantly Optimism. No more toggling between tabs and windows to write, deploy and manage a smart contract. Our system will enable this development cycle all under one roof 100% code free.
    Along with our no-code smart contract launchpad, we are currently developing a mint dapp marketplace that will be included for every contract that gets deployed through our platform. Upon deployment of their smart contract, the user simply has to visit the marketplace, edit their collection page (similar to an opensea collection editing), and launch their mint. The user’s smart contract will automatically be linked to their collection page so no extra coding or work will be necessary. With this, we hope to become the easiest and most user friendly way to launch Optimism, and other EVM based, NFT collections bringing even more incredible creators to the space.

  • Web3 Education:
    Beyond our platform tools, we are planning to roll out our educational youtube series of videos. To not only supplement the platform for overall ease of use and understanding, but teach our community members about Web3 systems and technology. We hope to educate our community on the benefits and applications of smart contracts, how they work, and what it takes to develop their own and truly master this domain. Other topics we have planned are Web3 safety and security, exploratory applications of smart contracts, and more.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
    Launchifi Twitter Account

  • Contact info for the project or project lead:
    Project Account - You can message our business account on Twitter @Launchifi

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  • The projects name: Hyperledger Besu

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Hyperledger Besu is one of the main execution clients on Ethereum Mainnet. It has been around since early 2019 (FKA Pantheon) as the Java implementation of Ethereum that is compatible with Mainnet and private networks. The Besu team has worked to bring enterprise interest into Ethereum by proliferating Ethereum standards into the Enterprise DLT world through the EEA and Hyperledger foundation.

The project has also been providing client diversity on Ethereum Mainnet and driving its development forward. The Besu client team led the design and development of EIP-1559 as champions. This change to Ethereum’s tokenomic structure has proven extremely valuable in how the network is secured across Layer 1 and Layer 2.

The Besu team has also developed a handful of technologies it hopes to proliferate in client design. The Bonsai storage paradigm is one that hopes to enhance other execution clients like Geth and Nethermind by providing a forward-looking checkpoint structure for small state storage and growth.

Besu has an extractable/stand-alone EVM library that allows for plug-and-play Ethereum approaches and is working in 2023 and 2024 to modularize the client to better work with existing and new rollup technologies.
Prioritizing rollup execution is a stated goal of our 2023 roadmap.

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I am putting this nomination forward for the Badgeholders for reasons further explained in the description. However, I must also clarify I am not very familiar with the project as I have not had much time to use it. With the deadline for RPGF2 being today, I decided to nominate the project for your consideration even if I am not that acquainted with it myself.

The project’s name: ( )

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Even though in theory everyone can interact directly with the OP Ecosystem like every other EVM environment, it’s undeniable that the vast majority of users not only use an RPC solution, but are not even aware of it.

For these users, these RPCs serve as an essential middle-man between the user and the environment, and any error on the RPC side can be a significant blocker. One particular example for this we’re all familiar with is the release date of the first OP Airdrop, where despite the actual Optimism network working just fine, the RPC was overloaded blocking access to the ecosystem. This, along with potential privacy concerns from some RPC solutions, means that it’s always healthy for an ecosystem to have a large variety of RPC providers to choose from.

As seen in, currently there are only about half a dozen providers of RPCs, with only two being shown as being privacy-friendly. I am nominating because not only is it one of the two privacy respecting RPCs , but they seem to want to be a pubic good and do not have a monetisation plan. From their page:

Privacy should be protected because it is one of the foundations and basic right for users of the public ledger blockchain ecosystems.
We want 1RPC to be freely available and have developed it as a public good, providing users from targeted data collection when interacting with blockchains. We strive to keep it free for general Web3 users.
To help us keeping it free, donations from grants and partners are accepted to make 1RPC sustainable.

Hopefully, this grant along with other future grants will encourage the onboarding of more private RPCs into the ecosystem.

A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: / Automata Network · GitHub

(optional) contact info for the project or project lead: N/A

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The project name: Resonate

A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Resonate is helping mature DeFi by offering a financial product which appeals to institutions. The way in which we achieve this is two-fold: First, we use Revest FNFTs (also developed by us) to tokenize locked principal and future yield. Next, we build ERC-4626 adapters (if need be) for existing farms for Resonate to plug into. These 4626 adapters are rigorously tested and subsequently released as public goods. Follow our progress on this initiative by checking out these Medium articles:
ERC-4626 Vault Adapters
Resonate Vaultening Update 1
Resonate Vaultening Update 2

Users are, then, able to trade their future yield for yield upfront by locking their principal for a term, while the counter-party is able to earn a boosted yield rate by earning the variable yield on the aforementioned locked principal. So far, we’ve found a great deal of success with Velodrome on some of our VELO-USDC pools. For example: Resonate has had over $100k in volume. It offers 4.57% upfront on VELO-USDC for a lock term of 30 days (55.6% annualized).

Resonate is able to offer short-term lock-ups and rolling maturities thanks to Revest FNFTs. Furthermore, Resonate offers zero-slippage trades due to our order-book-like system.

So how does this appeal to institutions? Well, in industries as volatile as crypto, market-neutral hedge funds have proven to be one of the most secure ways to invest in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). These investment vehicles function by both longing and shorting an asset (market neutrality) and then earn their investors returns by placing the longed asset into a yield-bearing position (“yield farm”), where it accrues interest and grows in value. This growth, however, does not occur at a predictable rate, often deviating heavily within short time-frames. This volatility in yield rates make it very difficult for market-neutral funds to succeed, as fixed-costs to open a position can quickly overshadow these variable returns, leaving the fund net-negative. Resonate is able to the perfect solution here: short-term lock and immediate upfront fixed-rates!

As a matter of fact, we’ve already seen success in our pursuit of on-boarding institutions to DeFi. This medium illustrates one such example: Resonate Onboards First Institutional Fund: Coindex Capital Management | by Revest Finance | Medium.

:heavy_check_mark: Building financial tools and products on top of existing systems on Optimism
:heavy_check_mark: Developing ERC-4626 adapters for existing yield farms on Optimism
:heavy_check_mark: On-boarding Institutions to Optimism

Links and contact
GitHub: Revest Protocol · GitHub
Contact info for the project or project lead:

  • Ipsilon
  • Ipsilon is EVM R&D team. It proposes, reviews and prototypes EIPs related to EVM, including EVM Object Format (EOF). Also provides the fastest open source EVM implementation: evmone.

Thanks @Kethic for nominating slither. For a bit more context:

Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual information about contract details, and provides an API to easily write custom analyses. Slither enables developers to find vulnerabilities, enhance their code comprehension, and quickly prototype custom analyses.

Slither can be run directly on contracts deployed on Optimism (ex: slither optim:0x…) and has been used to prevent numerous vulnerabilities by security auditors and bug hunters (slither/ at master · crytic/slither · GitHub)

Slither is being developed by Trail of Bits and is open source.

  • The projects name: Infinity Wallet

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
    A web3 wallet that supports the OP stack and is a primary infrastructure project need to access and use Optimism. Its like a one-shop wallet as it has everything I need as a wallet and more like, swap, bridge, nfts, defi portfolio, web3 browser, dapp store, news, market monitoring and a bunch more.

    I believe they are also the biggest supporters of Optimism that I know in the wallet space and their web3 browser infrastructure provides the best experience for usage of the OP dapp ecosystem.

    Before I was recommended Infinity Wallet I was using Metamask, since switching I will never again use another browser extension. The Infinity Wallet guys have made the entire experience of using OP so much smoother and normal.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:
    They have an email on the site, but they have 24/7 support on their site as well which I have used in the past and is really great

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Project name


Web3j is the JVM integration library for EVM blockchains.
It provides similar functionality to web3.js + Truffle in that supports the development, testing and deployment of Solidity contracts for the Java and Android platforms.

There isn’t an L2 specific version of the library, but it is the library used by anyone wishing to talk to Ethereum networks on the JVM or Android platforms. Of which there is a lot — it receives over 100k downloads/month and has over 2 million lifetime downloads (this is a conservative estimate).

No one pays for Web3j, it’s pure OSS, and has been around since 2016. We have received grants for the library over the years, but as Optimism grows, there are like to be more JVM users, and they will in all likelihood be using Web3j to do this.

Project GitHub

Contact for project lead

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  • The projects name: Solidity

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Solidity is a statically-typed curly-braces programming language designed for developing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Solidity is both used for the Optimism smart contracts on Ethereum mainnet as well as smart contracts running on Optimism itself.

  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

Note: I work at the Optimism Foundation, but am making this nomination in my private capacity


Project’s name: DappRadar

A description of how the project has supported the development and usage of the OP Stack:
DappRadar acts as a discovery portal, providing insights for investors and analysts while educating visitors about vital blockchain L2s including Optimism. DappRadar has supported the usage of the OP stack, Optimism as a network, and the whole L2 ecosystem by means of:

  • Integrating Optimism on DappRadar so that all dapp data is on-chain, meaning it is accurate and transparent
  • Exposed Optimism and their associated dapps to hundreds of thousands of users
  • Onboarded and educated users on crypto basics and the benefits of Optimism specifically through articles and industry reports

Below is a description of the project’s value prop: DappRadar is, by all objective measures, the world’s biggest dapp store. It has been building and evolving for five years and acts as a hub to all aspects of blockchain and dapp adoption. Even within the recent bear market, the website attracts an average of 500,000 visitors per month. In favourable market conditions, it attracts an average of 1.5 million monthly users. As a leading source of data and insights on decentralized applications, and the blockchain platforms they run on, we provide developers, investors, and users with the data and tools they need to make informed decisions about every aspect of their blockchain needs.

With the DappRadar ecosystem, the RADAR token is used for governance and utility. Current utilities include gamification, community contribution, development scaling, and user customization. The token also powers DappRadar PRO, a unique benefit for those users who want to go deeper into on-chain data. This infrastructure and wealth of data are now being leveraged by business partners to create their own analytical tools, powered by DappRadar proprietary API.

Contact info for the project or project lead :
GitHub: DappRadar · GitHub
Project lead(s): rimas@dappradar[dot]com marcus@dappradar[dot]com

Note: As a new user, I can only post two links, hence the structure of the emails.

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EIP 4844 contributor Collection nomination
This post nominates several individuals who have contributed to the development of EIP-4844 as a collection. If any community member wishes to nominate additional people who contributed to EIP-4844, they may do so in another nomination post.

A description of how the collection has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:
EIP-4844 introduces a new kind of transaction type to Ethereum which accepts “blobs” of data to be persisted in the beacon node for a short period of time.
These data blobs are the first milestone towards full ethereum sharding, enabling rollups like Optimism to grow 100x in capacity.

The list of contributors and the distribution of funds between them is still a work-in-progress, a draft can be found here

Disclaimer: Collections, a term used to describe projects without a single person or entity that can be verified via GitHub or Twitter, may only be nominated by the Optimism Foundation.

  • The projects name: Ethereum-lists
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Ethereum-lists provides opensource, curated databases of ethereum-related data, being the most important ones:
    • chains: list of EVM chains metadata, they are even used by other chain lists UI out there.
    • 4bytes: an open DB of 4bytes signatures. There are other free 4bytes DBs out there, but they are closed source, privately maintained. This one is used by Otterscan.
      Supporting this project indirectly supports every other EVM related project, including Optimism.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: ethereum-lists · GitHub
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead: mr_ligi on twitter
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  • The project name: NiceNode
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: NiceNode claims to be a community made open source project allowing users to spin up their own Ethereum Full nodes with Snap Sync through their UI with multiple clients. Not OP-specific but falls under the criteria “Eligible projects need not be exclusive to the Optimism ecosystem, but there should be a connection.”
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead: Discord NiceNode
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Note: I am a team member of the Optimism Foundation but am making this nomination in my private capacity

  • The projects name: Sourcify
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Sourcify is the only open contract verification database out there, which is kind of scary given how important verification data is for auditing contract security. It supports any EVM chain, hence Optimism benefits from it.
    I think it is an important structural, open database and opensource verification engine, so elegible for this nomination.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter: GitHub - ethereum/sourcify: Decentralized Solidity contract source code verification service
  • (optional) contact info for the project or project lead:
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Project Name: Urbit Calc

Collaborative spreadsheet application on Urbit. A Spreadsheet Activity for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning on Urbit developed as a Web2 to Web3 initiative using SocialCalc on Sugar, OLPC’s software paradigm.

The main idea of UrbitCalc is to include features that would enable users to make easy use of the typical features of Spreadsheet activities such as organization, graphing and simple calculations in their respective languages along with the strengths of Urbit’s peer to peer networking. The main features of UrbitCalc are:



Graphing and Calculation

Localization in different languages

Experiments that support future development of the core OP Stack protocol: We wish to develop an Ethereum-Urbit bridge and scale it using Optimism. This would enable OP stack evolution to become an interoperability layer or a bridging solution for multi-chain scaling and sustainability.

We wish to extend and adapt UrbitCalc to enable it to serve as a Community tooling, data visualization and analytics platform in the Optimism Eco-system. We hope that this would be a great addition to the OP stack on the infrastructure and tooling front.

Github Repository: GitHub - seetadev/UrbitCalc: Collaborative spreadsheet application on Urbit

Demo Video: encode urbit hackathon spreadsheet - Google Drive

Link to Try: SocialCalcActivity :: Activities for Sugar and EtherCalc

Github for EtherCalc: GitHub - audreyt/ethercalc: Node.js port of Multi-user SocialCalc

Please find our background work and research papers published on SocialCalc, the community spreadsheet at web2 publications before 2012 and motivation for urbitcalc - Google Drive

Contact Information:,

  • The projects name: Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Enabled chain deployments by supporting k8s infrastructure.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • The projects name: Apache Software Foundation
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: Many of these open source projects have been influential in the design and architecture of the OP Stack.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

  • The projects name: All projects in the Optimism Monorepo dependency trace
  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack: This is literally the open source software which the Optimism Monorepo is based upon.
  • A link to the project’s GitHub or Twitter:

I started writing a script to scrape all of the projects and put them in a nomination-type format but then realized this would be a terrible can of worms. However, I do think that in the long term the source of projects that we RPGF should be as rigorous as possible and a great way to do that is to automatically generate all of the true dependencies and reward them based on some post hoc metrics. I won’t be sad if we don’t include this and blow up our nominations by hundreds of projects, but I think the conversation is a good one to have!

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