Infrastructure & Dependencies nominations for RPGF2

  • The projects name: Lodestar

  • A description of how the project has supported development and usage of the OP Stack:

Lodestar is a Typescript ecosystem for Ethereum consensus, developed by ChainSafe Systems. Our flagship product is our production-capable beacon chain and validator client. In addition, we maintain public repositories of useful tools for public use. Some of these libraries include BLS, SSZ, Discv5, Gossipsub, and Noise.

Active work is being done to support the OP Stack by enabling EIP-4844 to benefit L2s such as Optimism, reducing tx costs of Layer 2 fees and increasing client diversity at the Layer 1 protocol level. Additionally, Lodestar team members have been working on side projects such as Zipline which used the OP Cannon verifiable computation tools to develop a light client, enabling a trustless bridge protocol.

Lodestar’s niche is in its implementation language, Typescript. Our software and tooling is uniquely situated as the go-to for researchers and developers for rapid prototyping and browser usage. Millions of developers around the world are familiar with Typescript, and Lodestar’s high-quality codebases are excellent introductions to the Ethereum world. With the goal of increasing client diversity and attracting new talent from one of the largest groups of developers in the world.

We fully support other teams in Protocol development and projects which indirectly fund client team implementors such as Protocol Guild.

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