As we approach Season 5, the Grants Council (GC) is tasked with selecting a platform that aligns seamlessly with our operational requirements. In the absence of a budget in Season 4, extensive research led us to choose Charmverse. The rationale for this decision has been detailed here.
How will this platform help accomplish the Grant Council’s mandate?
The Grants Council places great emphasis on minimizing friction across various platforms (Discord, forums, website, Telegram, email, etc.). A unified platform streamlines communication, enhances the application process, and facilitates data migration for efficient project management. This scalability is crucial, given the increased volume of proposals witnessed in Season 4.
Platform requests:
- Public Communication
- Provision of an editable website for hosting and publishing relevant information. Example:
- Effective communication channels among proposers, council members, and the public, with a robust notification system
- Project Management
- Enable GC to create and manage proposal templates.
- Database integration for seamless storage and retrieval of proposal details. Ej: Proposal link, Author, Email, Grant size, Milestones, Proposal date, Category, Cycle, Yes/No answers, Others.
- Private databases with customizable properties for enhanced security.
- Private workspace dashboards for reviewers for focused task management.Ej: Assigned reviewer (Person property), Proposal status (Multi-select option “Todo/Done”), Proposal stage (Multi-select option “Intake, Prelim, Final”), Yes/No properties for multiple uses
- Cross-Referencing Properties: Each property (e.g., Assigned reviewer, Proposal status, Proposal stage) must be cross-referenced.
- Poll System:
- Implementation of a robust poll system to register every council decision made by a majority vote.
- Only project management has the authority to set up and initiate polls.
- Exclusive voting rights for reviewers.
- Voting categorized by committee property (Builders, Experiments, Milestone, and Metrics).
- Inclusion of start and end dates for each poll.
- Option to publish poll results on the website for transparency and public awareness.
- Database Management Features:
- The ability to select multiple rows in a database and change a property on each selected row simultaneously.
- Capability to sum numbers in a database column with a designated “number property.”
- Proposals
- Allow users to post proposals by logging in with either their email or a sign-up address.
- Include a public comment section at the end of proposals for feedback and official communications from the Grants Council (GC).
- Streamline proposal creation:
- Select the committee with links to respective websites or short descriptions.
- Choose from user-friendly templates tailored to different proposal types.
- Optionally verify that every template question has been answered.
- Notify authors within the platform when someone comments on or likes their proposal.
- Send email notifications to authors for added communication.
- Milestones
- Integration of critical and benchmark milestones into a dedicated database:
- Project name
- Milestone type
- MIlestone description
- Source or truth
- Deadline
- Export functionality for milestones as a .csv file.
- Security
- Implementation of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for enhanced security or wallet log in.
- Role-based access system distinguishing Admins, Reviewers, and Proposers.
- Private workspaces for reviewers and secure databases for the Operations Manager.
The proposed platform is designed to meet the specific needs of 2000 users, and the budget is suggested at 10,000 OP for Season 5. Furthermore, the platform will actively participate in RetroPGF 4, aiming to showcase its impact.
Request open for 2 weeks to start platform evaluation and adoption on December 8th, 2023.
The chosen platform aims to optimize efficiency, enhance communication, and ensure the Grants Council operates with the highest professional standards. We look forward to receiving applications from dedicated individuals and organizations committed to our mission.