Welcome to the Grants Council Communication Thread
The Optimism Grants Council was initiated in Governance Season 3. This page will outline the basic details of the Grants Council as constituted for Season 5 and use this thread for official communications with the collective.
Season 5 links Index
- Season 5 Grants Council operating budget
- Season 5 Intents Budget
- Cycle 19 Preliminary roundup
- Cycle 19 Final roundup
- RFG-3: Smart Contract Auditing Services Cycle 19 roundup
- Season 5 Intents Budget #2
- Cycle 22 Preliminary roundup
- Audits requests S5 final roundup
- Cycle 22 Final Grants roundup
- Grants Council - Retrospective Season 5
The Grants Council serves by delegation from Token House.
The Grants Council exists to:
- Process Delegate Mission Applications proposed in accordance with the Council’s Internal Operating Procedures
- Review applications in regular cycles, which include a reasonable deadline for application submission before a review period begins
- Publish a report outlining grant finalists for each Intent within three days of the end of Season 5. The Grants Council should additionally publish a report at the end of each review period
- Use best efforts to assess whether grant recipients have met pre-defined milestones
- Ensure ongoing Council operations and performance are reasonably transparent to the community
- Reduce the workload on delegates so that they have more time to weigh in on high-impact votes, better positioning the grants process within the broader responsibilities of Token House governance
The Grants Council consists of three Sub-Committees:
- Builders
- Growth Experiments
- Milestone & Metrics
Each Sub-Committee has a mandate to fulfill the purpose of the Governance Fund charter.
The Builders Sub-Committee aims to maximize the number of builders (developers and visionaries) building novel applications on Optimism.
The Growth Experimentation Sub-Committee aims to maximize the number of users interacting with applications that further a specified intent defined by the Optimism Collective.
The Milestones and Metrics Sub-Committee aims to assess historical grant finalist progress on milestones, confirm final milestones for Season 5 grants, and maintain relevant council and reviewer metrics.
The Grants Council structure for Season 5 has three distinctive roles. These positions are held by elected reviewers and have been appointed by the Grants Council lead.
- Communications Lead: handles the communications of the Grants Council with the Optimism community and is responsible for communicating calendar items, key updates, cycle results, and other important items to keep the community informed about the Grants Council’s process. The Communications Lead for Season 5 is Katie Garcia.
- Operations Lead: manages the infrastructure (including infrastructural decisions) of the Grants Council and is responsible for maintaining orderly operation of the application and review process as well as the Grants Council’s record. The Operations Lead for Season 5 is Gonna.eth.
- The Milestone and Metrics Lead : administers the milestone program and will develop a system of metrics for the Council, including reviewer KPIs. The Milestones and Metrics Lead for Season 5 is Jun (Pgov).
Season 5
The Grants Council will run for two rounds in Season 5 as outlined further in the Council’s Calendar.
The Grants Council is considered a persistent Council in the Collective, as outlined in the updated Collective Council Framework. That means the Grants Council will be assumed to be renewed in Season 5, unless a Council Dissolution proposal, outlined in the Operating Manual, is passed.
The Grants Council’s decisions on final grants represent only the opinion of the Grants Council as to which projects are grantworthy. The Grants Council does not hold, issue, or distribute grants. The Foundation administers grant implementation in accordance with the Optimism Collective Operating Manual. The Grants Council does not endorse or promote any products or projects.
Find more in the Season 5 Grants Council Charter.