[grant update] OP Govquests

Hey everyone :wave: we kicked things off last week. Here we come with our first update!

Milestones Tracker

:art: UI Design (in progress)
:desktop_computer: Frontend UI implementation (in-progress)
:gem: Points and Rewards system (in progress)
:trophy: Leaderboard (to-do)
:calendar: Seasons Streak system (to-do)
:calling: Push notification (to-do)
:medal_military: Tier system (to-do)
:top: 100 addresses on the leaderboard (to-do)
:memo: 20 created and completed Quests (to-do)
:hammer_and_wrench: Post-Launch Support (to-do)

Latest Activities

UI Design/Product references

Weโ€™ve started by compiling design references from other platforms. The main references we highlighted are:

From OP Community:

From Web2:

UI Design Progress

We completed the draft of the initial system screens. You can check the first versions at this public link.

Quests rationale

Weโ€™ve developed an initial schema for our quest system, outlining the logic we aim to implement. Additionally, weโ€™ve created a simplified MVP version of this logic to ensure an early launch for community feedback. You can review the initial schema in this link.

Our approach separates registered addresses into three categories: delegates, non-delegates, and those aspiring to become delegates. Based on this categorization, the app will suggest personalized quest tracks guiding users through key actions related to their profile, such as:

  • Becoming a delegate and voting for the first time
  • Delegating OP to others
  • Referring new delegates

Aligning with our missionโ€™s main objectives, weโ€™ve also included a track for delegates who havenโ€™t voted yet, leading them through educational content to encourage their first vote.

The team is currently finalizing:

  • Complete definition of missions
  • First version of the reward system

These updates will be shared soon!

Project Setup

Weโ€™ve laid the groundwork for the application, ensuring all necessary systems (repo, CI/CD, deployment infrastructure) are in place. Weโ€™ve also started working on the main pages of the app:

  • Listing available quests
  • Detailed information for each quest

How You Can Help

  • Review Design References:
    • Check the relevance of the listed design references
    • Suggest any missing references, especially those related to gamification and community engagement in Web3 platforms
  • Evaluate UI Design:
    • Examine the initial UI designs here
    • Share thoughts on layout, user experience, and overall design
    • Suggest improvements or additional features
  • Provide Feedback on Initial Quests Schema:
    • Review the initial quest schema and user categorization here
    • Send feedback either here in the forum post or by sending it to team@bleu.studio, or on TG @rpunktj

Looking forward to the future updates and any feedback from the community! :partying_face: Thank you for reading through here :bowing_man:

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