Week of March 27, 2023
- Governance Update #6 was posted last week — we’re almost at the end of Season 3, which means a two-week Reflection Period is ahead. Here’s a sketch of the coming weeks.
- Voting is still live on the new portal. Be sure to vote on both proposals.
- The Cycle 11 grants preliminary roundup has been published. Final results by April 8.
- Congratulations to all beneficiaries of RetroPFG 2!
- Upgrade Proposal: Bedrock - v2 (vote, ends April 5 | discussion)
- Delegate Suspension: Fractal Visions (vote, ends April 3 | discussion)
In the Forums
- Delegate communication thread updates from @Bobbay_StableLab, @OPUser, @Saludiego201, @GFXlabs, @Joxes, @oxytocin, and others.
- Layer2DAO grant usage final summary
- What to know about Bedrock downtime, courtesy of @blockchainatusc
In Discord & Twitter
- April Fools Day is broken — here’s another idea
- RetroPFG is not charity.
- This week in Optimism
Governance Calls
The recap of the last community governance call is here, and the recording here.
Quick Gov Links: Working Constitution | Operating Manual v0.3. 3| Voting Portal | Optimism on Boardroom