GFX Labs - Delegate Communication Thread

7 Polls Closing November 15, 2023

Code of Conduct Council: Member Nominations
Summary: This poll asks OP holders who should be elected to the newly approved Code of Conduct Council.


NB: Voters may select up to 8 options for 5 seats.

Recommendations: Vote Juanbug_PGov, Oxytocin, Axel_T, Bubli.eth. Other candidates may also be high quality, but these four stood out to us. Juanbug is a well-known governance contributor across many large protocols, and they typically do good work and exercise good judgment. Oxytocin, likewise, has been a longtime participant at Optimism, and is also vocal and visible at other DAOs. Axel appears to be an accountant, which is a skill set sorely needed in DeFi, so securing a relationship with them is worth the gamble on an otherwise unknown person. Bubli’s work at Index Coop caught our attention.

Ratification of Law of Chains
Summary: This poll asks OP holders to ratify the Law of Chains documents. Most notably, this allows governance to whitelist new sequencers.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This is an important step to decentralize Optimism further.

Season 5 Intents Budget
Summary: This poll asks OP holders to approve 9,000,000 OP for use across four Intents for Season 5. Unused budget will be returned at the end of the season. The breakdown of the budget is as follows:

Intent #1: Progress Towards Technical Decentralization:1,330,000 OP
Intent #2: Grow the Superchain: 4,000,000 OP
Intent #3: Improve the Consumer Experience: 1,330,000 OP
Intent #4: Improve Governance Accessibility : 1,330,000 OP
1,000,000 reserved for general allocation

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This grants budget gives the Grants Council flexibility and funding to provide grants in these areas.

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Builders

Summary: This poll asks OP holders who should be elected to the newly expanded (to five seats) Builders Subcommittee

Jack Anorak

NB: Voters may select up to 10 options for 5 seats.

Recommendation: Vote Jack Anorak, Gonna.eth, Mastermojo, Kaereste, Joxes, Ethernaut. Jack Anorak, Gonna.eth, and Kaereste are seeking re-election. We have worked closely with them from the Experiments Subcommittee side of the council and support their re-election. Mastermojo is affiliated with Synthetix, and we are positively disposed towards their participation at other protocols. Joxes is part of SEED Latam, which is a relatively new governance-focused organization. Their participation on other protocols, such as MakerDAO and Arbitrum, has shown itself to be thoughtful and useful. The Ethernaut was the technical lead at Synthetix for several years, and is well suited to evaluating builder proposals. On supporting the three sitting members seeking re-election: This will be the last season that the Grants Council Lead will be able to continue due to term limits, so ensuring there are a number of veteran members available to provide competitive options for next Season is an important consideration.

Chain Delegation Program
Summary: This poll asks OP holders approve the Chain Delegation Program for Season 5. This would authorize up to 10,000,000 OP to be delegated across up to 10 OP chains.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. While this represents an increase from 5,000,000 OP available for chain delegation last season, this is an important time to convince new L2s to join the Superchain. Also, it is only fair that chains which are remitting a portion of sequencer revenues back to OP Governance are allowed to have a voice in that governance.

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Growth Experiments
Summary: This poll asks OP holders who should be elected to the Growth Experiments Subcommittee

Michael Vander Meiden
Katie Garcia
Matt L

NB: Voters may select up to 11 options for 5 seats. GFX Labs is also required to vote for at least as many options as open seats to be eligible to vote for ourselves.

Recommendation: Vote GFX, Michael Vander Meiden, Katie Garcia, MoneyManDoug, Matt L. The Grants Council has made significant progress over the past two seasons, and we recommend returning all of the sitting members. Notably, this will be the last season that the Grants Council Lead will be able to continue due to term limits, so ensuring there are a number of veteran members available to provide competitive options for next Season is an important consideration.

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics
Summary: This poll asks OP holders who should be elected to the newly formed Milestones and Metrics Subcommittee


NB: Voters may select up to 9 options for 3 seats.

Recommendation: Vote Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, v3naru_Curia. As stated above in the Code of Conduct Council vote, we are familiar with and have had generally positive experiences with Juanbug. Code of Conduct Council is not anticipated to be very active, so we feel comfortable voting for them on both positions. Mmurthy and v3naru_Curia have both already produced dashboards that track metrics, so they seem like natural fits for this role.