We are posting here as a final post for the time being on the OP Governance forums.
This time will serve us over the spring in order to reflect on this past year of work on optimism network.
Our plan is to continuing working towards our dreams of educating other creators about blockchain scaling technology and public goods.
Stay Optimistic!
fantastic. Looking forward to it.
It’s been 3 months since our last post here.
There has been a lot of time to reflect on what happened this spring on Optimism network.
We are back to let you all know that our optimism outlook is at an all time low.
As much as we would like to stay optimistic it has become clear that there are some people who are out to get us even though our vision & mission is to support public goods.
Members who are part of the optimism foundation coordinated together in order to remove us from the governance.
Our reputation was hurt by many members of the Optimism community.
The amount of disappointment outweighs any hope that this ecosystem is the best choice for other creators or developers.
Especially with the bad actors who have found asylum in the governance grant system & tainted the ethos of what OP was originally intended for.
It is a shame that it has become this way. Our project has good intentions to help establish a sustainable future for builders.
We are preparing to launch our NFT Marketplace on Optimism this summer.
This platform will be focused on supporting creators & developers who are making an impact in web3.
Impact over profit is the main ethos behind this new market we have been building.
Our development team has now grown to 6 people with the addition of our most recent front end developer who is helping to finish the final stages prior to deployment.
We intend to weed out bad actors or scammers and bring authentic creators into the ecosystem.
Although our platform will be mainly focused on Optimism network & retroactively rewarding the creators who join us we will encourage everyone to explore every facet of blockchain technology. There is no limit to creativity & we want our most innovative impact makers to thrive no matter what environment they are in.
Most of all we want the creators to feel safe. This is the number one reason why many people are hesitant to join the blockchain community. I hope we are able to break the stigma surrounding this space allowing for much needed change & growth of the network.
your view on optimism is at an all-time low and yet you’re launching an NFT marketplace here?
We love the mechanics of low gas fees & ethos of public goods that Optimism has embedded into the network.
Along with our own personal funds from our art projects we also used 60% of the funds we received from the Retroactive Public Goods Fund in Round #2 which went to our development team to help us build the very best NFT platform possible.
Our UI/UX developer is amazing & so is the rest of our team. Together we have put in countless hours of work into the intention of the design over the past seven or so months.
We will also be expanding to Base chain and plan to launch our own super chain addition to the OP Stack. Arbitrum, Polygon, Ethereum, OKX, Stacks, and Bitcoin Ordinals are also in consideration as well as Solana. No matter which ecosystem we choose the ethos of impact over profit will be the main focus of Fractal Visions platform.
It has been about a month since our last entry.
Over the course of the month we worked together with our core team members to coordinate the development of our Front End coding for the Fractal Visions NFT marketplace.
Putting in place the final elements prior to our first beta testing of the product. This has been a long term project and something that must be done right in order to provide security for creators & collectors while trading on Optimism.
This past month we also started our own educational podcast titled “Fractal Pod” to record spaces hosted by the founders of Fractal Visions. These valuable conversations give people outside of our ecosystem the ability to better understand our mission & vision to help spread awareness about blockchain technology on Optimism network.
Our intention is to strengthen the relationship between the creators on other blockchains with the Optimism network. We will continue to speak to individuals who are looking for new opportunities to contribute towards the ecosystem they are a part of.
Advocating for public goods on a daily basis is now one of our main focuses.
Without a constant reminder to everyone in the realm of mainstream social media these opportunities for fellow creators will simply be missed.
We have created a dedicated channel in the ecosystem section of the OP discord to help record & share our constant efforts in spreading the word of Optimism…!
Spreading the word of Optimism
Our current medium article also gives everyone a solid understanding about what we are building on Optimism. Please give it a read and let us know your thoughts.
Fractal Visions NFT Marketplace Update
Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming launch this year…!
We have applied for a builders grant on Optimism in cycle 14 and look forward to adding more value to the network for other impact makers in the web3 space.
It is so important to onboard authentic creators to the space who want to help each other throughout the future.
Have a great day and stay Optimistic…!
@FractalVisions update for our commitment & progress towards the development of our impact maker platform on Optimism.
This past month we participated in the Gitcoin GG18 fundraising round which is helping our development team to finish the process of onchain integration for users of the platform. We now await the quadratic funding announcement from Gitcoin to allocate to our UI/UX , Smart Contract, and Front End Design team…!
During this round of GG18 I had the pleasure of teaching all the other projects that participated in a 2 week long Gitcoin Radio event on X about the Optimism network & opportunities in the ecosystem for grant funding.
I was also able to educate the folks who help run Gitcoin, Grantees, and Donors more about Retroactive Public Goods Funding on Optimism then they may have known previously. Which is a huge success to align with another ecosystem that is a continuous conduit of funding for projects in web3.
Here you can check in the post below to see where our project has been given credit by the Latam community page CryptoConexiĂłn for help with information
in the last cycle 15 submissions phase.
Gitcoin is where our original idea to build a self sustaining platform for other creators was born.
During this past round of Gitcoin we have made many changes in the way that we categorize projects and have implemented new genre’s such as ReFi (Regenerative Finance) & DeSci (Decentralized Science) to improve the value alignment of our platform with the regenerative movement that is currently underway in the web3 ecosystem.
Optimism has become the home of this platform that we are focusing on in order to reiterate the the ethos of public goods.
We will strive to become advocates of the Optimism network & continually donate directly to the RETROPGF.ETH address from a dozen different revenue streams coming from of personal art collections we have created in the past. Encouraging other creators to also use this same approach in order to continue growing the pie larger and larger for everyone to share.
Constant advocacy & education amongst others on social media is important to us as knowledge unlocks the power that everyone is constantly seeking to navigate their way throughout the space.
Despite our Builders Grant Application being denied 2 times now in Cycle 14 & Cycle 15 we are still committed to providing a safe environment for creators to connect with their audience.
Our commitment to the growth of the OP Stack runs deep as recipients of funding from the RPGF rewards from Round #2 we have used 60% of the $OP tokens to pay our developers in order to bring our vision to life that will assist other impact makers on their mission…!!!
We still have some tasks to accomplish before everything is onchain but we are very close after 10 months now of working with our team.
Any extra support is appreciated…!
Here is a 7 minute demo of the work that is in progress for our new platform…!
Hello OP Family !
Our crew is so incredibly dedicated to building on the Optimism network. We have made progress on our platform that is intended for impact initiatives. The team is working night and day knowing that OP is where we want to focus on building & contribute to the growth of the network.
We are nearly finished with the MVP of our new platform. Current testing for API using Simplehash to aggregate data onchain is helping us determine how to display everything on the UI design. A lot of work has gone into our product development specifically focused on the OP Stack and reiterates the same standards with the ethos of retroactive public goods funding mechanisms.
Another amazing opportunity has been implemented into the framework of our ecosystem that also aligns with some of the same values as Optimism. Recently we have been working in the realm of Public Goods and announced our own QF round on the Optimism network this January in 2024. The initial phase of our pilot program will be released with a direct grant round on October 31st. The Grants Stack is an incredible tool that anyone can use to manage their own Grants program with.
Gitcoin is where our cofounders Alicia & Glenn originally started developing in the blockchain space prior to joining the Optimism chain last year in the Spring of 2022. During the last core round of fundraising in GG18 we implemented the wallet connection of our platform as a milestone. Achievements like these took our front end development team a fair amount of effort to accomplish what we have built together so far.
I’m happy to see that other networks such as the PGN (Public Goods Network) are also backed by some of the team members who have worked with Gitcoin in the past. Fractal Visions intends to add to the pool of contributors that help fuel the world of Public Goods utilizing Optimism as our choice of deployment. Our team has grown rapidly into a diverse group of impact makers who are passionate about building.
We will keep evolving as time goes on and make sure to post an update here in relation to the projects updates. Get ready for another amazing year in 2024!
We are getting ready to launch our MVP for our new platform. Optimism & Gitcoin has inspired us to integrate a few public goods funding features as well.
Fractal Visions Public Goods Fund
Creating a formula to determine the impact of retroactive work on profit can be a complex task because it depends on various factors specific to the project and the nature of the retroactive work. However, you can develop a basic formula that considers some common elements. Here’s a simple formula you can use as a starting point:
Proof of Impact = (Retroactive Work Benefits - Retroactive Work Costs) / Project Duration
Retroactive Work Benefits: The financial benefits gained from the retroactive work. This could include increased sales, cost savings, improved efficiency, or any other measurable financial gain directly attributable to the retroactive work.
Retroactive Work Costs: The expenses associated with carrying out the retroactive work, including labor, materials, equipment, and any other direct costs.
Project Duration: The time it takes to complete the retroactive work and start realizing the benefits. This could be measured in days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the project’s scale.
Keep in mind that this formula provides a simplified view of the impact over profit , and in practice, you may need to consider more factors and complexities. For a more accurate analysis, you might want to incorporate other variables such as the time value of money (discounting future cash flows), risk factors, and additional costs and benefits that emerge over time.
Additionally, the specific metrics used to quantify benefits and costs will vary from project to project. You’ll need to define these metrics based on the goals and objectives of your retroactive work.
Always remember that financial analysis is a critical aspect of project management, and consulting with financial experts or analysts may be necessary for more complex projects to ensure accurate calculations and decision-making.
Mission Statement
Our main goal is to help onboard both old & new users into the public goods ecosystem. The way that we accomplish this mission is by reiterating the ethos of public goods with our own implementation of a Retroactive Public Goods Funding mechanism into the design of our MVP & utilizing Quadratic Funding tools known as the Grant Stack Manager provided by Gitcoin.
Fractal Visions Public Goods Fund
There is a 2% marketplace fee which is the main mechanism that helps fund the retroactive rewards for creators and developers.
0.5% or 1/4th of the 2% marketplace fees are directed to the FVPGF.eth - Fractal Visions Public Goods Funding address which is a standard EVM address capable of receiving donations across many networks that are interoperable together.
These funds are distributed periodically throughout the future to the most active projects that contribute towards the overall growth & education of each individual network.
Marketplace fees that are generated & distributed through the FVPGF give value to the users and builders which in turn creates the demand for new creators to join Fractal Visions impact initiative launchpad. Improving & iterating on top of each effort as we expand to other networks over the course of the future.
Visit grants.fractalvisions.io for more information.
Here is a big update on our participation as a delegate & builder on Optimism since posting here last November…
Since then a lot has changed!
First off Optimism is where we would like to call home. Between the past journey we have taken from the early days of Gitcoin to Optimism things have certainly come full circle for us and our team as far as discovering our purpose here in the blockchain space.
Governance Participation
Our participation in the governance has changed greatly since we first began and we are much more focused on the builder side of things now.
We are still active delegates and vote as long as we are eligible to participate.
Here is our delegate statement.
Grants Round Pilot Program
We had originally planned for our grants round on optimism to start in January but there were a number of factors that made us reschedule until this month.
One of those is the fact that the Public Goods Network has chosen to “Sunset” and will be shutting down.
If there’s any passionate refi members that are reading this and want to put together a last-minute effort to revive the network it may still be possible.
Another reason why we chose to reschedule the round was to align with season 20 of Gitcoin as well as utilizing some of the funds that we received from retro PGF to increase the matching pool for our own independent grants round and our first pilot program for Fractal Visions on Optimism.
Here are some details about Mission 1.
- Applications close April 24th
- Donations are live until May 15th
- 10,000 $DAI Matching Pool
We are happy to have brought our own grants round to the table in 2024 with the resources that we have in our own creative way and utilize the open source technology from the Gitcoin grants stack on Optimism network…!
Hopefully many other builders and creators are inspired to do the same thing as we move forward into the future. Our commitment to this network and the public goods ecosystem runs deep.
NFT Marketplace
One of the other things that you may have seen our team working towards in the optimism ecosystem is the development of a platform that is strictly focused on impact makers and those who contribute to the world of public goods through their initiatives and projects that are also part of the Superchain.
The grant program that we are operating utilizing the open source technology that Gitcoin has provided is also away for us to help curate the builders and creators who join our ecosystem and our marketplace.
We will also be opening up applications to creators who are not a part of this grants program later this month.
As you can see here there are a few displays of the user interface that we have designed and currently we are in the closed alpha/beta phase of testing our marketplace with our core engineering team.
Our front end SQL user database consist of a decentralized Byzantine fault tolerant networks utilizing a node system with Kwil.
The API that we are using to display data from the Blockchain is implemented using Simplehash.
We have been working diligently for quite some time on the development and are really excited to share the progress so far. This platform has been built with funding from gitcoin and optimism as well as some of our own personal funding that we have raised over the past few years.
Together my partner Alicia and I (Glenn) have put a lot of thought and intention into the design and the funding mechanisms that we are utilizing to help onboard other builders into the ecosystem.
We look forward to the rest of our grant round over the course of the next month and a half as well as the deployment of our MVP that will be taking place simultaneously.
Thanks for all of your support to those who have helped us along the way!
Stay tuned for our next update. We are sure as time moves on we will focus more on governance participation and voting after our platform is fully deployed.