[FINAL] OP Governance Analytics Dashboard

Milestones 4 & 5 Update

GM OP Collective,

We’re excited to update you on our completion of Milestones 4 and 5 for our OP Governance Analytics Dashboard. These milestones were pivotal as they involved refining the dashboard based on invaluable community feedback and analyzing its impact. Below are the key highlights:

Milestone 4: Refinements & New Features Based on Community Feedbacks


  • Active Delegate Criteria: Based on your feedback, we’ve adjusted the criteria for an active delegate to either having voted on over 50% of the proposals since their first vote or having participated in the latest 5 proposals.


  • Seasonal Stats: We’ve enabled the labeling of proposal participation metrics by seasons, allowing for a nuanced understanding of changes over seasons.


  • Delegate Participation Table: The table can now be sorted by “% of Voting Power,” making it more user-friendly.


Ongoing (Mockups Completed):

  • Delegate-Specific Features: We’re working on individual pages for each delegate that display their voting history, contact channels, and more.

  • Delegation UI: We’re adding feature to enable users to delegate or redelegate on each individual delegate pages.

  • Delegate Tracking Chart: A new feature to visually track when each delegate receives their delegations.

  • Additional Metrics: We’re adding nuanced metrics like the Non-Conformity Ratio, Sufficient Voting Power Label, and indications for delegates who provide rationales and forum discussions for their votes.


Milestone 5: User Engagement & Public Report :bar_chart:

Community Feedback :left_speech_bubble:

We’ve gathered examples of feedback beside on this forum thread, which will be showcased under the dropdown with pictures of the comments. Your insights are shaping the future of this dashboard, and we can’t thank you enough!


The Road Ahead :motorway:

We’ve received several constructive suggestions, such as integrating governance data from the citizen house and including off-chain activities. While we couldn’t incorporate all these fantastic ideas in Season 4 due to time constraints, we’re excited to say that the journey doesn’t end here. We’re considering open-sourcing parts of our dashboard and will continue to deliver more features as requested by you, the community.

Thank you for all your support. Your engagement is the fuel that drives us to make this dashboard a valuable resource for the Optimism Collective. As always, we welcome your comments, ideas, and criticisms. Let’s keep the feedback loop strong, and as always, stay optimistic! :star2::red_circle: