[DRAFT] Develop Grant Monitoring and Alerting System

Hi Opnitor Alliance, it’s great to see this mission proposal that intends to bring more transparency and accessibility to the Collective.

I’d like to understand a bit more on this mission from the data angle, specifically how this can enrich the current open source grant distribution tracking we have here on Dune (underlying SQL logic here. There is a lot of manual mapping required to stay up-to-date on project wallets, intermediate transfers and deployment. This data also gets fed into a dashboard that we use to track the overall performance against OP distributed by projects.

There’s a how to contribute article for the project above too.

Further questions:

  • What’s income, expense and transactions defined here? Think it’s a bit confusing to treat grants from the Foundation as income and token rewards as expense to a protocol.
  • How do you intent to track project wallets and other intricacies (intermediate wallets, internal transfers, vaults etc). Does this only apply to upcoming projects, or retrospectively too.
  • Is there expectation that project teams will be using opti.domains to disclose team wallets and any related wallets for the grant?

The views I express are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of OP Labs.