Costa Rica OP DAY

OPDay #2: Deep Dive into Optimism Governance

A Successful Second Edition Focused on Advanced Topics

We’re thrilled to announce the success of OPDay #2, a virtual event focusing on advanced governance topics within the Optimism ecosystem. This event built upon the momentum of our previous event, offering a deeper dive specifically for builders interested in Optimism Missions.

Special Guest and Workshop Format

We were honored to have @Pumbi, a valuable volunteer, guide us through the intricacies of the Optimism governance model, mission grants, and the Recursive Public Goods Fund (RPGF).

The 90-minute session was divided into two parts:

  • Presentation (30 minutes): Pumbi delivered a comprehensive presentation on the theoretical foundations of Optimism governance, mission grants, and the RPGF.
  • Interactive Workshop (60 minutes): In an open mic format, Pumbi shared their screen and walked participants through the application process for mission grants. Attendees actively engaged with questions and discussions.

Event Outcomes and Impact

The positive feedback we received indicates that OPDay #2 was a valuable resource for participants. It provided an opportunity to leverage the recently opened second round of mission grants by equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to submit strong applications.

The event recording is currently being edited and will be published shortly to further extend the reach of the shared information. Additionally, Pumbi’s presentation is publicly available for reference:

Link to Presentation:

Continued Innovation with CheckMyTicket

We continued exploring the virtual event functionality of CheckMyTicket for OPDay #2. The platform performed well, with @robertram demonstrating exceptional responsiveness in addressing minor issues. Following the successful implementation of NFT minting for event access, attendees received a “join meeting” button on the website at the designated event time.

OPDay #2 NFT Details

Retrospective and Next Steps

While time constraints limited extensive promotion for OPDay #2 due to the recently opened mission grant round, we effectively disseminated the information within our communities and through targeted tweets. We acknowledge that the event attracted approximately 15 attendees, with 8 actively participating throughout the workshop (a 60% retention rate).

Looking forward, we’re committed to continuous improvement. By refining our marketing strategies and addressing the identified minor technical issues, we’re confident that future virtual events will achieve even greater success.

pd: Expect an update soon about the physical event in collaboration with CENFOTEC University in Costa Rica, we were invited to participate and covered the optimism ecosystem and governance, further expanding the reach of Optimism-related discussions with around 100 devs. Big Thanks to @beja for all the event organization, will be posting the event recap soon!