Charter Amendment Process

Amendments to Charters can currently be proposed by prospective Leads of Council, Boards, and the Anticapture Commission at the start of a Season. This usually occurs as part of the Operating Budget proposal process.

In order to propose changes to a Charter, to be implemented at the start of a Season, an amendment proposal can be made by any prospective Lead. The ACC was originally authorized to operate for a duration of two Seasons. In order for the ACC to continue for an additional Season(s), a prospective Lead will need to propose an amendment to the original Charter using the process and template outlined below.

Amendments that are part of an Operating Budget proposal are approved as part of the Operating Budget proposal and are subject to the corresponding voting procedures. Amendments to the ACC Charter, which does not have a corresponding budget, are subject to the same voting procedure as the original proposal (quorums, approval thresholds, approvals, etc.) In the case of the ACC, this requires a 30% quorum and a 51% approval threshold in the Token House (not subject to Citizens’ House veto.)

Amendment Proposal Template

Proposal Type: Please indicate the proposal type outlined in the Operating Manual

Original Proposal: Author should link to existing Charter on github, hosted here

Proposed Amendments: This should link to a PR request to the current version of the proposal, hosted here

Change log: Please provide a plain English summary of the major changes proposed. Voters should verify that the above linked PR accurately represents the change log described here.

If this proposal is approved, the above linked PR will be merged into the canonical version of the Charter hosted in github and the changes will go into effect at the start of the next Season.