Thank you for the vote of confidence, it means a lot to me
Thanks for support Brichis! Look forward to working along side you!
Voting Cycle #24 (July 11-17, 2024)
Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP
Vote: Everything except “Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance”
Reasoning: I believe it is more appropriate to finance educational videos through Retro Funding based on the impact they generate, despite some uncertainty about the requirements for Round 6 (focused on Governance). Comprehensive projects that include videos as one component among many and demonstrate tangible impact should be funded through this mechanism.
Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP
Vote: Everything
Reasoning: Although I don’t love the idea of funding videos through missions, I believe we currently have no other mechanism to support these contributions. It is necessary to generate more technical content to help developers start working in Optimism. I am a little worried that everything is moving very quickly, and the information may soon become outdated. Additionally, if channels to reach the target audience are not ensured, good-quality tools might go unused. However, I will give it a chance due to the restructuring of Retro Funding rounds.
Although the mission of the Grants Claiming Tool may overlap somewhat with govNFTs, I think the most important part is improving the process for claiming a grant, which is necessary.
Regarding the other proposals, I don’t have specific comments. However, in general, I would have liked them to receive more feedback to improve aspects such as budget or milestones.
Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP
Vote: “Support the Superchain 12M OP”
Reasoning: I want to see a greater diversity of projects being funded, and I believe that different OP chains with various objectives having their own programs can enable this. For example, grants for artists could be funded through a Zora grant program, among other methods.
Voting Cycle #25 (July 18 - Aug 7, 2024)
Code of Conduct Council Elections
Vote: @CryptoReuMD @Oxytocin @Pumbi @alexsotodigital @eve633
I’ve selected the members I’d like to see in the Code of Conduct Council from the recent Town Hall call:
- CryptoReuMD: I think he would be a great fit. He has always shown an interest in coordination and is likely to bring valuable insights and discussions to the council.
- Oxytocin: He served on the council last season, so he already has experience and can share that knowledge. As a delegate, he’s familiar with the processes within the Token House.
- Pumbi: I’ve seen his work with Seed Latam, and I believe he can offer significant contributions in improving communications within the Code of Conduct Council. His skills in reporting and information analysis will be very beneficial.
- alexsotodigital: He has extensive experience in conflict management from working with traditional organizations. His interest in Optimism governance over the past few months and his background make him well-equipped to add valuable insights and improvements.
- eve633: She has shown a keen interest in conflict mediation and has engaged thoughtfully with the questions I asked.
Voting Cycle #26 (Aug 8 - 28, 2024)
Upgrade Proposal #10: Granite Network Upgrade
Vote: For
Reasoning: It’s a necessary upgrade, it will fix some vulnerabilities identified during a series of third-party security audits and includes an L2 hardfork to improve the stability and performance of the fault proof system
Security Council Elections: Cohort A Lead
Vote: @Alisha
Reasoning: Alisha did a great job as Security Council Lead during Season 5. From my experience as ACC Lead during S5, I’ve seen that she takes her position very seriously and prioritizes the Security Council above other activities. She and her team worked well together and her work is highly efficient.
Security Council Elections Cohort A Members
Agora (as nominated by kent)
Raymond Cheng
Reasoning: Regarding members who have already been part of the SC, I asked for references about their performance and received great feedback. The others were chosen based on their demonstrated alignment with Optimism, geographical diversity, and technical expertise.
*I made an exception regarding alignment with Optimism because I believe his experience can bring valuable insights to the Security Council.
Voting Cycle #27 (Aug 29 - Sept 18, 2024)
Rolling Mission Requests
Vote: Abstain
Reasoning: I am serving on the Grants Council this season, so I must abstain.
Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 27
- Subsidized Audit Grants V2
- Experimentation of Infrastructure Subsidies
- Decentralized Solvers and Aggregators on OP Mainnet / Superchain
- I think this revamp is needed
- There is clear demand from infrastructure providers, and the goals are more specific to RPC and oracles, rather than applying under another MR like Optimism as a Venture Studio.
- I would love to see projects like those outlined in the proposal onboarded to Optimism.
And if you are one of my delegators, expect a surprise!
Voting Cycle #28 (Sept 19 - Oct 9, 2024)
Unfortunately, I shared my voting rationale with my delegators but realized I forgot to vote about 15 minutes after the proposal closed. I’ll try to forgive myself haha on the bright side, my vote wasn’t crucial for the proposal to pass, so apologies—and this won’t happen again!
Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 28
Vote: Mission Request Request 1: Increase Prevalence of Non-USD/EURO Stablecoins
Reasoning: Given the amount, I think it’s worth a try. I’m a bit skeptical about the traction it could generate, but I think the results of this mission could be interesting.
Voting Cycle #29 (Oct 10 - 30, 2024)
Governor Update Proposal #3: Enable Onchain Treasury Execution
Vote: For
Reasoning: I’m voting in favor of this governor update as it marks a step toward decentralization. This proposal enables on-chain treasury execution and includes minor patches based on previous audits.
Season 6: Standard Rollup Charter Ratification
Vote: For
Reasoning: I’m voting in favor of this ratification, as it is essential to align Superchain participants with the highest standards for security, uptime, and decentralization, ensuring a secure foundation for Optimism’s evolution.
Special Voting Cycle #31a (Nov 28 - Dec 18, 2024)
Intent Ratification
Vote: For
Reasoning: I’m eager to see more collaboration between the Foundation, OP Labs, and the DAO. Having a single intent and a commitment to working in public will benefit the Collective. A strong Superchain ecosystem will unlock many possibilities.
Holocene Network Upgrade
Vote: For
Reasoning: EIP-1559 provides operators with greater flexibility when running an OP Stack chain, and the Holocene derivation will enable improvements for Fault Proofs and Interoperability features. These steps are crucial in the context of the Superchain. Additionally, no significant risks were identified in the security reviews.
Anticapture Commission Charter Amendment
Vote: For
Reasoning: There are no significant changes, and I want the ACC to continue.
Code of Conduct Dissolution Proposal
Vote: For
Reasoning: I agree with the Foundation’s points.
Grants Council Operating Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: I support the budget decrease in line with the reduction in members and the independence of MaM. Gonna is the right person to lead the team next season.
Developer Advisory Board Operating Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: The DAB has been consistently taking on more responsibilities and delivering great results, so the budget increase makes sense to me.
Milestones and Metrics Committee Operating Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: Making MaM independent is a logical step and will bring great value to the Collective. Juanbug_PGov has been leading the sub-committee since its inception, and I believe he’s the right person to lead this next chapter.
Security Council Operating Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: The budget looks good, and Alisha is an experienced lead.
Grants Council Mission
Vote: For
Reasoning: I support the budget increase as the scope will expand to cover TVL across the Superchain, not just OP Mainnet.
Decision Market Mission
Vote: For
Reasoning: For the proposed amount, it’s worth trying. This experiment aligns well with the Decentralization Milestone Working Model and feels like a logical next step.
Onchain Treasury Transfer Cancellation Test
Vote: For
Reasoning: Excited to see Onchain Treasury Transfers in action!
amazing, keep going! we are stronger together
Special Voting Cycle #31b (Jan 2 - 15, 2025)
Season 7: Chain Delegation Program Amendment
Vote: For
Reasoning: Minimum change to prioritize the “satisfying the Standard Rollup Charter criteria first” requirement.
Grants Council Operations Elections
Vote: @Bunnic
Reasoning: Bunnic is one of the hardest-working people I’ve met in the Collective. He 100% deserves this position—I’ve witnessed his dedication firsthand.
Grants Council GrantNerd Elections
Vote: @Jrocki, @mastermojo, @Sov and I
Reasoning: I’ve worked with them in the past, and they’re all excellent colleagues who deliver exceptional work. I’d be happy to work with any (or all) of them again.
Grants Council Final Reviewer Elections
Vote: @GFXlabs, @jackanorak, @MattGov.eth & @michael
Reasoning: The creation of this position was inspired by them. They’re incredibly smart, with extensive DeFi and web3 knowledge. I learned a lot from them last season and would love to continue collaborating.
Milestones and Metrics Council Reviewer Elections
Vote: @v3naru_Curia, @Pumbi (SEEDGov), @mel.eth (StableLab), @LauNaMu @mmurthy, @Takeshi (Tané), @AnthiasLabs, @akrtws & @pfedprog
Reasoning: I’m voting for all of them. The former members have done an outstanding job, and they should continue. Additionally, I know many of the nominees personally / work closely with them. I’m confident anyone from this list would excel in the role.
Developer Advisory Board Audit Request Team Elections
Vote: @gjaldon & @unsafe_call
Reasoning: The past members did a fantastic job, and I’d be happy if they continued. However, I’m voting for gjaldon & unsafe_call because they have excellent backgrounds and could bring more diversity to the team.
Developer Advisory Board Governance Mission Team Elections
Vote: @wbnns, @blockdev, @Jepsen & @iainnash
Reasoning: Former DAB members have been doing outstanding work, and I believe they should continue. I’m also adding Iain because his profile could bring an interesting perspective to the DAB.
Developer Advisory Board Foundation Mission Team Elections
Vote: @wildmolasses, @skeletor @danyal
Reasoning: These are fantastic profiles. Ed is phenomenal, and Skeletor & Danyal have impressive backgrounds that could add significant value to the DAB.
Security Council Elections Cohort B Members
Vote: L2BEAT, @oplabs, World Foundation, @yoavw, @testinprod_io & @Base
Reasoning: I’ve heard great things about Yoav from someone I trust, and I have a lot of confidence in the L2BEAT team. I’m also selecting OP Labs, Test in Prod, Coinbase, and World Foundation because they have significant stakes involved, and I understand the importance of their representation.
Elections are really tough, so please don’t take anything personally. The process was incredibly challenging—the number of talented individuals far exceeds the available seats, making the selection very difficult. The Collective is fortunate to have you, and I’m genuinely happy to see so many people passionate about Optimism and the Superchain.
Thank you for your support, Brichis. If elected to the Audit Request team, I’ll bring my years of experience in development and security to carefully review and select applicants for Optimism audit subsidies. I’ll focus on identifying projects that align with the Collective’s values and show real potential to contribute meaningfully to our ecosystem.
I understand how important it is to use our resources wisely, and I’ll work to ensure every decision is fair, transparent, and made with the community’s best interests in mind. I’m passionate about seeing Optimism grow and thrive, and I’m eager to play a role in that journey.
This is a responsibility I take seriously, and I’m committed to building trust and delivering real value to the Collective. I hope to earn your vote and the opportunity to serve for the long term.
Voting Cycle #32 (Jan 16 - Feb 5, 2025)
Protocol Upgrade: Superchain Registry 2.0
Vote: For
Reasoning: This is a minor protocol upgrade that introduces additional onchain requirements to standardize the integration of chains into the Superchain Registry. I consider this important, as we’ve noticed a need for greater clarity regarding which chains are part of the Superchain and which are not. Additionally, this change enhances decentralization and transparency by relying on code rather than offchain criteria enforced by the Foundation.