Brichis - Delegate Communication Thread

Special Voting Cycle #16a (Oct 12 - 25, 2023)

Grants Council Operating Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: Impressive work by Grants Council in Season 4, Dane is an experimented lead and I consider that the increases are justified.

Code of Conduct Violation: Carlos Melgar
Vote: Abstained
Reasoning: For me, the process wasn’t appropriate, the Token House lacked context and conflict resolution skills.

Developer Advisory Board Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: I’m excited about the Developer Advisory Board, as a not technical profile but with interest to contribute in Grants Council I think this will be a really interesting experiment. The amount can sound high according to my context but reading their profiles I think they deserve it If they do a good job during next Season.

Ratify Developer Advisory Board Members
Vote: For
Reasoning: I read their profiles and I have high expectations, looking forward to their evolution.

Anticapture Commission
Vote: For
Reasoning: Despite some doubts about the amount, it’s an interesting experiment, and I’m proud to be a qualifying delegate.

Code of Conduct Council Budget
Vote: For
Reasoning: After the last Code of Conduct violation, a dedicated council seems more appropriate than a Token House vote.

Security Council: Vote #1
Vote: For
Reasoning: In favor of proposals enhancing Optimism’s security and decentralization.

In my learning journey, I joined the first govNERDs program. Working alongside people I admire was an amazing experience. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in governance.

I also had the pleasure of being a guest on a couple of podcasts. Check them out:
Cafecito con Cryptoconexión
And I applied for RetroPGF 3, you can see my application here. This sums up my governance journey, complementing my role as a delegate.