Voting Cycle Roundup #28

Cycle #28 began on Thursday September 19th at 19:00 GMT and runs until Wednesday October 9th at 19:00 GMT. Additionally, the Citizens’ House will have a one-week period to veto any Upgrades approved by the Token House, immediately following the conclusion of the Token House Voting Period.

A snapshot of delegate voting weights will be taken at the time votes go live. Voting will take place at starting on Thursday, October 3rd at 19:00 GMT. The Citizens’ House veto vote will take place via Snapshot from Thursday, October 10th to Wednesday, October 16th.


This Mission request was is approved by the Grants Council to move to a Token House vote

You can find the Cycle 28 grants council ranking here

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Does anyone know why voting isn’t working on Agora right now?

I also couldn’t vote via Agora, but I was able to cast my vote via Boardroom: Boardroom

Brichis has informed Agora about the situation. Thank you for reporting it
Cc @brichis

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GM @cp0x !

The bug has been fixed, and votes are now successfully posting on-chain again.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Have a great weekend! :sparkles: