Signaling intention to become a Badgeholder

Gm gm!

Who I Am
Iā€™m Hiro, a writer and project champion at Bankless Publishing (RPGF #2 recipient :pray:), the publishing arm of BanklessDAO. Iā€™ve wanted to participate in the Citizenā€™s House since I learned about it while writing an article on the Collective in June 2022. Iā€™ve been active on Optimism since September 2021, and have written extensively about the Collective and its Vision. In addition to voting with my own OP tokens, Iā€™m also active in DAOstewards, BanklessDAOā€™s meta-governance group.

Why I Want to Hold a Badge
There is no better place to be than Optimism for those interested in working in the web3 governance sandbox, which I believe is working to design coordination systems that may just change the world. As a long-time governance nerd, I just get stoked by this stuff.

Areas of Expertise

  1. Iā€™m a long-time fiat-space governance nerd, an active governatooor, and have crafted or advised on dozens of Forum proposals.
  2. Writer, editor, shipper of educational web3 content, with particular expertise in making complex topics easy to understand.
  3. Decentralized/distributed social systems, project management.

Contact Info
Twitter or Telegram