SEEDGov - Delegate Communication Thread

Hi OP community!

In this post we’re going to recap what we did this week around the cycle 14.

15th Governance Call

The past monday Discord channel we held a new governance call to discuss the voting cycle 14, specifically a proposal made by the Grants Council requesting a new budget for the Intent 2.

Participants: ~40 attendees (31 :medal_military: collected)

Duration: 1hr 29min.

Results and rationale

After a great summary provided by @Gonna.eth during the call, we had a complete picture about the current state of the Grants Council and motivations for the proposal. Finally we voted for.

Welcome to Base

The announcement of Base into the Superchain is a game changer and positive addition for the Optimism ecosystem. This deal and commitment assumed by Base to, among other things, participate in governance, is also an important point of consideration. Jesse Pollak has requested comments on how Base will participate in Governance; and we have responded as below: