Security Council Member Self-Nomination: Luckyhooman.eth (Withdrawn)

My Atlas profile: Luckyhooman

Does this nomination represent an individual or organization: Individual

Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Security Council Charter:

I’ll start off with Reputation as for a semi-pseudonymous member of the Collective I feel its important my reputation speaks for itself. previously used the ENS Butterbum.Eth I have participated in OP governance since day 1 of the Collective I am currently a top 100 Delegate in the Token House a BadgeHolder in the Citizens House and also apart of the Anti-Capture Commission multisig.

Technical competency. I am no Dev by any means but I believe I have achieved baseline proficiency with the OP Stack, understanding its approach to scaling Ethereum through a shared opened sourced interoperable standard. I have also recently spun up a basic(docker) OP-mainnet node, with a goal for the coming year to run a full Op-mainnet node from source.

Geographic diversity

No standing affiliations or direct conflicts of interest

Alignment: 100%

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.

I am currently only active in one other DAO ‘DopeDao’ I am a top delegate and I previously held a position in Dopelabs as an operations capo for two 6 month terms Dopelabs 1.0 & Dopelabs 2.0 as Slasher. I currently remain as a trusted signer in multiple DopeDao multisigs on Eth, OP & Stark from contract owner on OP mainnet to dopelabs.stark on StarkNet.

Please verify that you have no conflicts of interest:

I have no conflicts of interest

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual

I understand

Please verify that you understand that election is subject to successful completion of a Foundation screen which may include KYC/AML, sanctions screening, and a requirement to sign a standard contract:

I understand

Please verify that you are able to commit ~5 active hours / month to fulfill the Member Responsibilities. Please note that there is an “on-call” aspect to this role that is not fully encompassed in the active hours estimate:

I am able to commit ~5 active hours per month to Security Council operations

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In light of recent events I am considering removing my SC self nomination.
Just for transparency


So sorry to hear, @Luckyhooman.eth. It’s happened to people who have the best security designs. Don’t let this get you down for too long <3