Optimist Profile: https://atlas.optimism.io/ltb
Does this nomination represent an individual or organization: Individual
Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Security Council Charter:
Technical competency. I was previously on the Security Council and have demonstrated meeting the eligibility criteria. I’m also the sole founder of Iron Fish, an L1 PoW privacy chain (https://ironfish.network/). Prior to that I was a software engineer at Airbnb, Microsoft, and various startups.
Reputation. I’ve been participating in the Ethereum ecosystem since 2017 as a hacker, speaker or panelist at many ETH Global events, Devcon, ZKSummit, Zcon, and many other privacy focused events.
Geographic diversity. US
Participants on the Security Council should be selected in accordance with the following criteria:
Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: I am part of the Iron Fish Foundation (https://ironfish.network/). Iron Fish aims to provide a privacy layer to all major EVM L2s (including OP chains).
Please verify that you have no conflicts of interest:
I have no conflicts of interest
Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual
I understand
Please verify that you understand that election is subject to successful completion of a Foundation screen which may include KYC/AML, sanctions screening, and a requirement to sign a standard contract:
I understand
Please verify that you are able to commit ~5 active hours / month to fulfill the Member Responsibilities. Please note that there is an “on-call” aspect to this role that is not fully encompassed in the active hours estimate:
I am able to commit ~5 active hours per month to Security Council operations