Second Report: Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses

Basic Info
Season 5 Intent: 4 Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses

Mission Objectives:
Implementation of OP educational modules distributed over two academic semesters with the goal of expanding to a minimum of two universities.
First Report: Link

Second Report

As of December 15, 2024, a complete blockchain module has been implemented at:

  • Universidad Continental (more details in the first report)
  • Universidad CatĂłlica del PerĂş – CIDE PUCP
  • FENADECO Colombia

The content includes Optimism Governance and RPGF, covering the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Blockchain
  2. Introduction to DeFi
  3. NFT 101: Beyond Art
  4. Optimism Governance and RetroPGF
  5. Optimism and the Superchain Ecosystem
  6. Digital Security in Web3
  7. Valuing Web3 and Business Models in Blockchain
  8. Introduction to Tokenomics and Its Implementation
  9. Stablecoins and Monetary Policy

Incorporation into Student Congresses
Although not a module itself, we leveraged opportunities to include topics on blockchain, Optimism Governance, and public goods in student congresses:

Attestations and Impact Metrics

For easier tracking of topics, dates, and student participation, the OP mission has its own schema in EAS:

Dashboard Dune

For greater transparency, a dashboard has been developed on Dune where you can see the attendees and rewards delivered per session. Dashboard Link

This includes Attestations from Students: Greater detail in received attestations.

Outreach and onboarding of other educators
For the development of the program, the incorporation and support of the Academic Director of Universidad Continental and CIDE PUCP have been crucial. Additionally, this enabled other educators to get involved as students in the blockchain program.