Season 7 Elections Information

Welcome to the Optimism Governance Season 7 Token House Elections!

Below, you’ll find all the key information you need to know regarding elections.

For candidates

There are four different elections happening in Season 7 - namely Security Council (Cohort B), Milestones and Metrics Council, Grants Council, and Developer Advisory Board.

Below is relevant information for each election:

If you’re an interested prospective candidate:

  • Review the Election information post for the Council or Board you’d want to self-nominate for (listed above).
  • Sign up at OP Atlas and complete your Optimist Profile
    • As part of your nomination, all candidates are required to create an Optimist Profile by following the relevant steps at
    • Be sure to connect your GitHub account and verified wallets to show relevant attestations!
    • You’ll need a Farcaster account to create an Optimist Profile as your Farcaster ID will become the ID for your Optimist Profile. Learn more about Identity in the Collective here.
  • Post your self-nomination in the correct nomination thread on this forum, following the relevant template.
    • Include a link to your newly created Optimist Profile at the top of your self-nomination, per the template.

For delegates

  • December 18th - January 8th: Provide Approvals for Security Council Cohort B candidates!
    • Please provide Top 100 delegate approvals to Security Council Cohort B self-nominees. Each candidate will need 8 Top 100 delegate approvals by January 8th at 19:00 GMT to be considered a valid self-nomination.
  • January 3rd-9th: There will be a ~6 day period for candidate review
  • January 9th-15th: Vote for candidates!

Note: All deadlines at 19:00 GMT.

As a reminder, in the case of approval/ranked choice elections, delegates may vote for themselves, so long as they also cast votes for the remaining elected positions.

Example: I can vote for my own candidacy on the Final Reviewer team of the Grants Council, so long as I also cast 3 additional votes (a total of 4 votes, as there are 4 open positions on this team.)

Additional information

As a reminder, per the Collective Representative Structure Framework, “Representatives should only serve in one elected position per Season. There are no term limits for representatives, but they may be implemented in the future if the need arises.”

Additionally - the Foundation will not be hosting any Town Halls for candidates this Season. Last Season, the Town Halls were poorly attended live and few watched the recordings. However, any member of the community may choose to host a Town Hall.

Please note: All of the contributor roles and associated rewards described here are intended for independent and engaged community members who volunteer to provide their knowledge and expertise to the Collective and receive an honorarium in the form of OP. These volunteers are not employees of the Collective, the Foundation, or any of its affiliates for any purpose.

Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions below.