Season 7: Chain Delegation Program Amendment

Season 7: Chain Delegation Program Amendment

The Chain Delegation Program was introduced in Season 5, to help new OP Chains onboard and build their delegation in Optimism’s governance. As outlined here, the Chain Delegation Program onboarded the first participants to the program in Season 6. While this program is approved through the first 15 Chains completing their temporary 12 months of delegation via the program, the Foundation would like to propose a small amendment to the Chain Delegation Program starting in Season 7.

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

The qualification criteria will remain unchanged (as previously approved.) However, the criteria is cumulative, meaning the first criteria must be met before the delegation associated with additional criteria can be accessed. We propose moving “satisfying the Standard Rollup Charter criteria,” to be the first criteria rather than the last. This would effectively mean the program is only applicable to OP Chains satisfying the Standard Rollup Charter criteria. The reason for this proposed amendment is to align this program more closely with the Season 7 Intent: A set of Stage 1 chains doing $250M per month in cross-chain asset transfers.

  • Chains satisfying the Standard Rollup Charter criteria would be eligible for 500k OP in delegation
    • Moving this from the last qualification criteria to the first is the only change being proposed

The below criteria remain unchanged.

  • OP Chains that meet the below criteria will be eligible for an additional 250k OP in delegation:
    • In the Superchain Registry (or similar)
    • Committed to contribute revenue back to the Collective and generating > 1 ETH / month in calculated revshare to the Collective, for at least 2 consecutive months
  • OP Chains that meet the below requirement will be eligible for an additional 750k OP in delegation:
    • 1M in transaction volume per month, for at least 2 consecutive months (qualifying Chains will be re-assessed on this metric at the beginning of each Season.) This metric more closely ties to private grant milestones, replacing the previous revenue generation metric (in part due to the impact of 4844).

All other portions of the approved Chain Delegation Program would remain unchanged.

What Does it Mean for Delegates?

The proposed amendments to the Chain Delegation Program will go to a vote in Special Voting Cycle #31b. If the amendments are not approved, the Chain Delegation Program will continue, without any changes to the qualification criteria, as approved in the most recent proposal. If the amendment is approved, the Chain Delegation Program forum post will be updated to reflect the above changes.


The approved amended version for Season 7 can be found here.