[Request for Comment] Protocol Upgrade Proposal Information

Hi all,

On behalf of the Optimism Foundation, I’d like to get the conversation with the community started about Optimism’s first ever protocol upgrade vote. With the Bedrock release approaching, the first ever protocol upgrade is within reach. We’re super excited.

While the Goerli testnet upgrade is already scheduled for Thursday, any Mainnet upgrade needs to go through the Token House. This is a call for feedback on the type of information the Token House would like included in the default protocol upgrade proposal type.

We’ve put together a starting point for consideration below. We’d love to hear any and all thoughts from the community on what other info would be good to include.

  • Executive Summary
    • In short, what is this upgrade?
    • Impacted stakeholders & expected outcomes
    • Why the Collective should upgrade
  • Technical Summary
    • Overview of architectural changes
    • Link to all protocol/API/tech specifications
    • Overview of ongoing security considerations incl. all audits and findings
  • Impact Summary
    • Changes in performance characteristics, economics, …
    • Time-of-upgrade considerations (downtime, etc)
    • Links to exhaustive upgrade documentation for impacted stakeholders
  • Action Plan
    • Upgrade Timing, Staging, & Go-live
    • Contingency plans in case of last-minute bugs or issues
    • Links to any orchestration code used specifically at the time of migration

I would like to see a couple topics addressed in the summary:

1 Will Zero Knowledge Proofs be a part of this upgrade? (If not, are they coming in the future)?

  1. Will users need to perform two separate activities in order to withdraw or do the two steps (proof and week later the unlock) happen behind the scenes after the user requests the funds

just a question that whether you are working on something to reduce gas fees as like arbitrum working on sharding…


Those are good topics and I think they’ll help provide clarity for the community. This is my understanding:

  1. No zk-proofs at the moment. Optimism is an optimistic rollup, so that means it uses a fault (formerly called “fraud”) proof system. From what I understand, Bedrock makes architectural changes that are more modular. In the future, if Optimism wants to migrate to a zk proving system, Bedrock’s architecture allows for a more simple swap between proving components without impacting the rest of the system. I believe when zk tech is more battle tested, this system will eventually replace fault proofs on optimism. It should be noted that Optimism’s proving system, Cannon, will not be live with Bedrock, but will come in a later release.
  2. I believe it’s one action on the user’s end, but I’m not 100% sure. There is a week long challenge period. If a user is trying to break the rules, a fault proof can be submitted to block the malicious activity. I think if that period passes then you have your withdraw on L1 without further action required. More info high-level rollup protocol and technical withdraw specification.

Thank you for your detailed and concise answers. They are most helpful, Sir!


Thank you for the added clarity on those issues :slight_smile:


this is interesting, thanks for the input

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Thanks for bring this conversation to the forum and congrats by deploying Bedrock upgrade on testnet.

About impact summary, I would like to see two specific clarifications and then relevant notes: 1. how this update would affect the active protocols in Optimism, such as due to changes in blocktime, timestamps? and any other one that entails that the protocols have to update or deprecate of their deployed contracts, if applicable. The idea here is to have a complete prevention picture that should be resolved before any update; so if there are relevant conditions like this, I would explicitly like to know about it.

And 2. metrics and analytics pertaining specifically to Bedrock’s performance at Goerli, and let us know if you need help with things like stress testing with the community.

Additional questions: any procedure in case of severe delays during the update and the fact that said downtime affects time-sensitive smart contracts? from contacting teams to avoid risks to allocation for compensation, if applicable.

That’s all for now. Thank you.


op has great potential many great projects building on it…great going


Interesting for read, wow.


Agree with you! Nice to see a great people inside this community

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Amazing news, we will do it together

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The best thing we are waiting for happens :heart_eyes:


The points you’ve put in mostly cover up all questions that come to my mind. I think most important things people would want to know are what impact it will have on transaction cost, transaction speed and security.

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Fantastic new, let’s do next step


op has great potential many great projects building on it
Already love this project xddd


Thank you for the announment.
I’m aware of the upgrade situation but would know more detail about what effects to the current staking/lending OP.


I am ready for this upgrade. I also kind of wonder how it will effect some projects of any.


I agree with the information proposed in the starting point for the protocol upgrade proposal. Additionally, it would be helpful to include:

  • A detailed explanation of the benefits of the upgrade, both short-term and long-term.
  • A clear and concise explanation of the risks involved in the upgrade and how they will be mitigated.
  • A summary of the testing process and results, including any edge cases that were considered.
  • A list of resources available for further information and support during and after the upgrade.

I’ve been waiting for this upgrade for a long time. and hope to be part of pushing the op ecosystem

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