Pairwise is LIVE! We invite you to signal in Retro Funding 4

Try it at!

We welcome you to be part of of our ongoing experiment to improve digital democracy. Discover new projects that match your interests, choose who made more impact and vote pseudonymously!

Play to Win - 4000 OP up for grabs!

For every category you rank, you will increase your chances of winning part of our 4000 OP prize pool. There will be 40 lucky winners and the more you rank the more likely you will be one of them. Deep dive into the rules at the end of this post.

Why are we doing this?

Pairwise’s goal is to make voting in Retro Funding rounds simple and fun.

This massively improved version of Pairwise is a new experiment where we give OP Delegates, OP Token holders, RF4 Recipients as well as RF4 Badgeholders an opportunity to signal their preferences in Retro Funding 4 (RF4). Each of these four stakeholder groups will have their own voting results; we are excited to see how they compare!

We hope this effort will not only explore a new voting methodology for ranking Retro Funding projects, but also significantly promote the work done by all the projects accepted into RF4. We want to showcase the value these projects provided to the Superchain to an audience beyond the ~130 badgeholders. This way, the valuable contributions of these public goods projects will receive the attention they deserve from a much larger group of people.

Step-by-Step Guide to Pairwise

Dive into Pairwise and signal your opinion on the impact of projects in Retro Funding 4!

If you have any questions, or issues, please join our Telegram support channel for immediate support!


Note: Connecting to installed mobile wallets (e.g. Metamask on iPhone) is occasionally not working. Right now, if your OP key is on your mobile wallet, the best way to connect is by opening up the navigation window built into the wallet and navigating to the OTP link that looks like: We are working to improve it this work flow.

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I am trying to cast my vote once I selected my panel. I got a few error, either from:

  • Desktop browser using Metamask
  • Mobile browser using Metamask (I use dev tools and mobile version)
  • Mobile browser integrated in Metamask

Each of these give me error that could be easily solved I think.

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You can:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ‘’
To solve
CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing

** Can you check your log to see if my casted vote worked for Governance?
(I can see (Ranking) while all other does not have it) if it worked, then you might want to add a “Successful” message

When it says “ranking,” it means you still have pairwise assessments pending or you are in the final step of the editing page. You can click again to see the status. When you have successfully ranked the category, you will see it in green as shown in the picture. (You can manually edit the category; pairwise assessment is closed when it says “ranked” for that specific category.)

We will be hosting pairwise vote parties starting today from 7-9 CET, and 6-8 PST (yet to be announced). You can also join the Telegram group for technical support where you can chat with Pairwise devs (Mahdi, Alireza and Lovel). AnnaMaria Stee and I are open to do 1-on-1 hangout voting and chatting pairwise.

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Would love to help! Yes, I had actually ranked 3 different classes, and all of them were stuck at “Ranking”
When I was changing from desktop to browser to mobile, I could still see the same, “Ranking”

I tried to debut the error so I send a post here to let you know. (Now I can’t connect anymore it says I don’t have any badge to claim)

I’ll jump on Telegram

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:star2: Excited to test Pairwise together?

Join our Voting Parties! A perfect opportunity to ask questions, explore, and vote in our live sessions.

:date: Daily Sessions until July 14th:

:us: 6-8 PM PST Jitsi Meet
:eu: 7-9 PM CEST Jitsi Meet

:arrows_counterclockwise: Can’t make a session? No worries! Join our Telegram support group for assistance or any questions you may have


Hey. I just played a bit with Pairwise. Here are some quick notes on my experience:

It is definitely an interesting application! I would like to see Pairwise being used by badgeholders, but as part of the personal reflection - not to directly generate a complete ballot. I think it could be a very useful tool among others to think about your own priorities.

I think there is a lot of power in defining the categories - deciding what gets compared to what. Right now, Pairwise does that for the user. In general, I think the UI can have a very powerful influence on the voter, which is something to watch out for.

There were some unclear points for me, for example about what happens to projects I decide not to rank. Also, I think Pairwise is just too “fast” for me in certain ways, like for example I did not like the “oh, by the way, which category should receive most OP?”-decision when I had ranked two categories (that was not the exact wording, but it is how it felt to me). I don’t like to be asked quick questions by an app that knows who I am and which may in principle decide to publish any part of my ‘play’ at any time.

I would much prefer to be able to use the tool without connecting with my badgeholder wallet or anything else that identifies me as a person. If Pairwise was simply a tool to assist my personal reflection, then details like the ones mentioned above would be less important - I could use it in whatever way I wanted, then.

As a direct voting tool, I have this nagging feeling that I’m being (deliberately or not) manipulated by the choices that are already made by the UI, and that I’m being pushed into making too fast decisions. That just doesn’t sit well with my personality type.

As a signaling tool… Well. No. I would like to use Pairwise to play and reflect and learn - not to signal.

So, in conclusion: I think Pairwise can be a really cool tool if you were to allow badgeholders to use it privately, on their own terms, and maybe go on adding more options for customization like how to categorize individual projects and what metrics to feature (on top) in the comparisons.

I did like the playful feeling of having a deck of collector’s cards in my hand and trying to compare them. That gave me an almost childlike sense of joy - which is obviously something very powerful.

What might also be really cool is if I could (again, privately) perform more than one ranking of a category, and then compare the resulting rankings. Say, if I could perform a ranking where I just look for concepts that I subjectively like, and another ranking where I look only at generated gas fees - and then I could have a look at how different those rankings turn out, and …do some more reflecting based on that.

But my main feedback would be: Please set the user free to play and learn on their own terms by not asking them to sign up with their badgeholder wallet, and by not aiming at submitting the results directly or publishing them as a signal.

Hey Joan, a member of the Pairwise team here.

Really appreciate the feedback.

1 important thing to mention that I think has been misunderstood is that your signalling wouldn’t be tied to your wallet.

The app creates another pseudo-anon wallet specifically for that purpose.

So unless you were to say “hey, this was my signal” no one would know it was you.

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Oh, awesome! Thanks for pointing that out, @Stee! :slightly_smiling_face::+1: