Pairwise in Retro Funding 5: Your Voting Tool
As a badgeholder in Retro Funding 5, you have the choice to use Pairwise to build your ballot.
Pairwise is an open-source voting dapp that simplifies your RF5 voting experience, letting you select between just two options and then aggregates your choices into a quantifiable result. Pairwise is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, converting simple subjective inputs into objective, measurable outputs, and minimizing the cost and cognitive burden of voting.
How It Will Work
1. Navigate to Pairwise: After allocating the budget to the round in the Main UI, you’ll be able to go to Pairwise to score the projects and unlock your ballot.
2. Ranking Projects: In Pairwise, your task is to rank all the projects. You can adjust the card view to highlight details that matter to you. Use the star system to rate the projects. If there’s a conflict of interest, you can flag the project with the exclamation button to remove it from your ballot.
3. Unlock Your Ballot: Once you’ve finished ranking the projects, you’ll see a confirmation screen to unlock your ballot. After unlocking, you’ll be redirected back to the Main UI to finalize your vote
New Feature: Star Ratings
This round, we’re introducing a new feature to enhance your experience and reduce the number of comparisons needed for accurate results: star ratings. Using stars is optional but heavily encouraged.
Stars will group projects into five categories:
- → Projects with very high impact on the OP stack
- → Projects with high impact on the OP stack
- → Projects with medium impact on the OP stack
- → Projects with low impact on the OP stack
- → Projects with no impact on the OP stack
Star ratings will have the ultimate influence on the final score while the pairwise comparisons will sort the projects within the star ratings. Assigning 5 stars to a project places it at the top of your list, while assigning a project 1 star eliminates it from further comparisons and will give it 0 OP on the ballot. Initially, all projects start with a default rating of 3 stars. You can adjust these ratings during the comparison process, with the exception of 1-star projects, which will not reappear before finalizing your vote on the main voting dapp.
Once you finish the ranking process you will see this screen to unlock your ballot. After unlocking your ballot you will be sent back to the Main UI to add the last magic touch to your results before casting your vote.
Thank you for playing!
Your participation in Retro Funding 5 is what makes this process impactful. We appreciate you using Pairwise to voice your decisions and welcome your feedback to make your experience better as we continue evolving.