[Mission Request] Interactive Map of the Optimism Ecosystem

Delegate Mission Request Summary

This mission request seeks the creation of a platform that displays a breakdown of all the people and parties within the Optimism ecosystem along with their contact information and what they are contributing to Optimism or currently working on–a live, interactive organogram for OP. The platform must be interactive and live, with the goal that this is the platform new OP Collective members come to see who is working on what in the Optimism Collective and what they can work on today within the DAO.

S6 Intent

Intent 3A

Proposing Delegate/Citizen

Anthias Labs

Total grant amount

17,000 OP

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants?


How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

The goal of the relevant intent to this mission is to get more developers building on the Superchain. Currently, it is difficult to navigate the Optimism Collective effectively in order to know who is working on what and how to contribute. By building this organizational mapping platform, new developers will be able to more easily see how they can participate in the DAO and who else in the DAO they should contact / collaborate with.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

  • A platform that maps as many top 50 delegates as possible, members of Optimism Security Council/Code of Conduct Council/Grants Council/Developer Advisory Board/any other councils in the Collective, Optimism Foundation members, Optimism Unlimited members, OP Labs team members
    • The platform should also map as many relevant stakeholders as possible in other Superchain chains, but the primary focus initially should be on OP Mainnet.
  • For each person displayed, contact information, role, and description should be given.
  • The platform should also clearly display all current Mission Requests for the current season as well as any other immediate DAO contribution opportunities.
  • Finally, the platform should also be interactive and allow new DAO contributors to list themselves, fill out relevant fields around role, contact information, and description, and then assign themselves to the parts of the DAO they are involved in.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

  • Milestones
    • Initial research compiled of contact information, roles, and descriptions for all initial DAO contributors
    • Frontend live
    • Interactive / new-addition-from-frontend feature live
  • Metrics
    • Number of Optimism community members categorized on the site
    • Number of new additions to the site on a monthly basis post-launch
  • Impact
    • Growth of developers on the Superchain

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request?

We have discussed this MR with @brichis

Which metric will the success of this Mission Request be evaluated against?

The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is TVL as this Mission Request will assist with the growth of Optimism ecosystem TVL by bringing more contributors to the Superchain.

Hi @AnthiasLabs,

Great suggestion! We’ve actually made significant progress on creating an MVP for the elements you discussed and aim to include all of this information in the V2 of our platform.

Some relevant links

To optimize spending and reach, we believe it’s best to have a single Hub for Ecosystem resources. We’ve already opened up Superchain Eco to outside contributors, and would love to welcome more teams / individuals!

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