[Mission Request] Support on-chain games close to launch

Mission Request: Support on-chain games close to launch

Mission Request Summary:
Provide targeted funding for on-chain games to maximize the chances of a successful game launch. These funds could consist of incentives that make it easier for users to onboard such as gas rebates or free gameplay as well as educational content (game demos, how to get started).

By supporting the launch of certain on-chain games this will increase the chances of a successful launch thereby encouraging other developers to enter the ecosystem to build on top of successful gaming trends.

S6 Intent 3a: Grow application developers on the Superchain

Proposer: Jrocki

Total grant amount: 70,000 OP (10,000 OP max per project).
For clarity, additional Retro Funding is never guaranteed and applicants should not submit applications on the assumption that they will receive more than the upfront grant.

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Multiple

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?
By supporting the launch of certain on-chain games this will increase the chances of a successful launch thereby encouraging other developers to enter the ecosystem to build on top of successful gaming trends.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

  • Must have an on-chain game in development
  • Detailed description of the game, in game mechanisms and how users will on-board
  • Detailed plan for how funds will be used and distributed
  • Budget Allocation: Up to 10,000 OP per project with a total of 70,000 OP available

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?

  • Milestones:
    • Game is live for users to play (within 6 months of grant approval)
    • All grant funds are allocated to users / service providers (within 12 months of grant approval)
  • Metrics:
    • Number of addresses that have interacted with contract (total users onboarded)
    • Monthly Active Addresses (how sticky is the game)
    • DAA/MAA ratio (but really how sticky is the game)
  • Impact:
    • Total gas fees generated

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request? No

Which metric will the success of this Mission Request be evaluated against?

The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is the total amount of gas fees generated from the granteeโ€™s contracts, because this Mission Request sets out to increase the aggregate demand for blockspace on the Superchain through a larger program. The total gas fees generated from this program act as a healthy indicator of its combined downstream performance. This metric was suggested by the Foundation and approved by the Grants Council.


A North Star Metric has been added at the bottom of this Mission Request in an effort to enable the Collective to make data-driven decisions. By using a single metric for each Mission Request, the Collective is better able to evaluate the performance of all the Season 6 missions in a standardized manner, which will be critical when the Collective makes decisions about Intents, budgets, or other critical components of governance.

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