Making Impact Evaluation Accessible FrameWork: Mission updates


WakeUp Labs is developing a refined Impact Evaluation Framework for the Optimism ecosystem. This project aims to align both existing and new frameworks, gathering and showcasing information in a simple, accessible manner. With the rapid evolution of Seasons, the framework will provide broader and clearer access to retro grant information through improved interfaces, empowering the community to better identify and acknowledge impactful contributions.

What are we developing?

This mission centers on updating the existing Impact Evaluation Framework, refining it through collaboration with key stakeholders, including Badgeholders and RetroPGF applicants. The project also involves creating a user-friendly, interactive, open-source website that will allow contributors to assess the significance of their efforts and gather information about the Retro. This will help the community gauge the real impact of contributions on Optimism, driving more meaningful engagement and simplifying the information.

To learn more about our roadmap and previous updates, check out the detailed project outline below!


We’ll continue sharing updates on this thread as we make progress on the mission.

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Milestone: Framework update and research, completed


We’ve completed the first milestone in the Making Impact Evaluation Accessible FrameWork Mission.

Making Impact Evaluation Accessible

At WakeUp Labs, we’re constantly seeking ways to innovate and improve processes within the decentralized space. IIn the first milestone of the Making Impact Evaluation Framework, we have completed a research document that delves into methodologies for refining the impact evaluation framework used in Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RetroPGF) within the Optimism Collective.

The research involved analyzing voting methodologies, interviewing BadgeHolders, and identifying areas for improvement in the current workflow. The findings are aimed at making impact evaluation more accessible and efficient for evaluators and project applicants alike.

For a more detailed understanding of the insights and proposals, you can read the full research document :point_down:

What’s Next

We’re actively working on multiple milestones simultaneously. These include developing the interface, formulating the criteria, defining the marketing plan, hosting community engagement sessions, iterating on the site, and wrapping it all up with a mission recap and final documentation.

As we complete each of these milestones, we’ll keep you posted with updates.

Stay connected by following us on social media!

:bird: X (Twitter)
:globe_with_meridians: LinkedIn

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