List of OP Grant

Is there any page where I can see a list of OP Grant?



Welcome to the forum.

Are you looking for a dedicated page showing all options of grants? Or all previous grants recipient?

Hopefully the clarity will ensure you get your answer.


Thank you very much. You are kind.
I would like to know the list of PJs received in the past. :smiley:

Sorry but what is PJ?

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The term refers to project jobs (PJs)

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here is the final grant summary for cycle #28. check if youre included in the list. Cycle 28 Grants Final Roundup in which cycle is your project ?

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Yes, we keep this document updated


Sorry for the poor translation. project.

thank you very much :pray:

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Thank you for your response. :pray:

Hey @inuinu_kunkunkun , missed this post.

Grant3 specifically tracks all the grantees along with their cycle, and grant amount, all this in a easy to use interface.

You can check it out here : Optimism Grant Recipients


@sharp3 Thanks!
This is easy to see! Very informative and helpful!

It’s great to see so many good people here!
Please let me know if you need anything else. :man_bowing:

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its so helpful and informative about the grant and projects which is included . nice 1

how to use list of op grant here