On Season 7 Budgets votes:
The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.
We’re voting IN FAVOR of all the proposed budgets for Season 7.
After reviewing all proposals and hosting two calls to discuss the budgets with the respective leads to understand the reasoning around the outlined changes better, we’re voting in favor of all the proposed budgets.
Grants Council Operating Budget
The reduced budget reflects the reduction in the grants council’s scope of work and overall workload, with the Milestones and Metrics charter detaching and forming a standalone council.
Milestones and Metrics Operating Budget
The operating budget for the M&M council remained the same per team member as in the previous two seasons, even though it is now a separate independent council.
Developer Advisory Board Operating Budget
The DAB proposed an operating budget that is 100,000 OP larger than last season’s. This increase, however, can be explained by the increased responsibilities of the existing roles, as well as the introduction of 2 additional new roles (Foundation mission scouts) .
Security Council Operating Budget
This season is the first time the Security Council has put forward a budget proposal (last season was funded by the Foundation), so there’s no real precedent to compare it to. Given the Security Council’s responsibilities, we find the proposed budget to be reasonable and will, therefore, vote for it.
One thing we raised during the calls we hosted is that the Security Council’s budget is perhaps the most important one of all, as we cannot afford to NOT have the Security Council funded. Perhaps it’s worth exploring the possibility of earmarking an additional reserve budget to ensure that the Security Council will always have a budget to operate regardless of the Token House support — especially as we’re slowly transitioning to onchain votes and transfers.