June 2023 - Governance Call OP Rewards Analytics Update

:warning: Our previous logic generated duplicate gas fees, which results in an overstatement in incremental gas fees. In this month’s update, we have corrected the issue and adjusted the gas fees accordingly.


The data team at OP Labs aim to share grant program performance and insights on a monthly basis in #Monitoring.

This doc serves to update data and case studies for monthly delegate call in June. We welcome the broader community to analyze & contribute to our open-source analytics repo. There are some good first issues laid out here, including deep-dives for Rabbithole, Yearn, Liquid Staking on Optimism (Lido & Rocket Pool).

A snapshot of program data was taken on Jun 14, 2023.

Current Deployment Status - Growth Experiments

  • We’ve observed 43 growth experiment proposals launch or complete, with 29 to be launched.
  • Live & Completed programs represent 82% (45.4M) of allocated OP, and have deployed 60% (33M) of allocated OP (not in projects’ wallets).

Growth Experiments Only

# Programs # OP Allocated (M) % OP Allocated
Live ‎🔥 Subtotal 36 41.3M 75%
Governance - Season 3 2 268.5K -
Governance - Season 2 10 7.5M -
Governance - Season 1 10 4.0M -
Governance - Phase 0 14 29.5M -
Coming soon ‎⏳ Subtotal 29 9.5M 17%
Governance - Season 3 12 2.1M -
Governance - Season 2 12 4.2M -
Governance - Season 1 2 900.0K -
Governance - Phase 0 3 2.2M -
Completed Subtotal 7 4.1M 7%
Governance - Season 3 - - -
Governance - Season 2 2 790.0K -
Governance - Season 1 1 900.0K -
Governance - Phase 0 4 2.4M -
Grand Total 72 54.9M 100%

Source: OP Summer Programs

Stats by Season

  • Aggregate by Gov Fund Season

Stats were measured at the Latest Date (Note: Many programs still ongoing). ‘Multiple’ includes projects across multiple seasons and/or funds (i.e. Partner Fund & Governance Season 2).

Source # OP Allocated Net OP Deployed Net $ Inflow Net $ Inflow / OP Incremental # Txs Annualized # Txs / OP Incremental Gas Fee ($) Annualized Gas Fee / OP
Governance - Phase 0 31.0M 19.5M 107.2M $5.48 12,131 0.23 3,945 0.07
Governance - Season 1 4.9M 3.0M 104.7M $34.59 2,297 0.28 594 0.07
Governance - Season 2 3.5M 1.7M 50.9M $29.77 1,853 0.4 925 0.20
Governance - Season 3 268.5K 120.9K - - 6,730 20.32 1,309 3.95
Governance - Multiple 9.2M 8.8M 248.3M $28.33 9,382 0.39 1,082 0.05

Select Deep Dives

Program Benchmarks

We introduced program benchmarks in May 2023 - Governance Call OP Rewards Analytics Update, in order to standardize metrics such as incremental transactions, ETH fees, and cumulative net inflows for easier comparison. It is by no means perfect, and we strongly encourage projects and community contributors to provide project specific deep dives, such as the one by Velodrome on Velodrome Grant Performance Update.

At Program End Date (Or Latest), n = 43 Incremental Txs per Year / OP Incremental Fees per Year / OP* Incremental TVL per Year / OP
75th Percentile 1.27 Txs 0.0025 ETH / $4.36 USD $37.93 USD
50th Percentile (Median) 0.26 Txs 0 $13.83 USD
25th Percentile 0.007 Txs 0 $0.73 USD
30 Days Post-Program, n = 7 Incremental Txs per Year / OP Incremental Fees per Year / OP* Incremental TVL per Year / OP
75th Percentile 0.44 Txs 0 $4.89 USD
50th Percentile (Median) 0.15 Txs 0 $0.55 USD
25th Percentile 0.004 Txs 0 (-$0.47) USD

Assume $1744 ETH/USD conversion, Subject to L1 gas prices

To view program benchmarks interactively, please use the links below:

New Program Highlights

  • Rabbithole
    • Rabbithole started running Optimism Weekly Quests from May 15th for 14 weeks. Participating projects need to reach designated targets in order to retain their spots in the race, while for users, the more quests they complete, the more future rewards they will be eligible for. More details can be found in Introducing the Weekly Optimism Race by RabbitHole.
    • As of the date of this update, Rabbithole has deployed over 99K OP and 6.7K incremental transactions, making it one of the top programs for usage with 24.69 annualized txs/OP during the incentive period.
    • It would be interesting to continue monitoring the impact of Rabbithole’s Weekly Quests, specifically wallet behaviors and retention after the Quests end.

      Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary

      Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary
  • Yearn
    • Optimism yVaults boosted yields went live on May 18 that will last for 40 weeks, with 25K OP per week.
    • To date, 300K OP have been deployed, and boosted yVaults have a cumulative net flows of $12.2M. This is ~$40 / OP, which is above the 75th percentile Incremental TVL per Year / OP ($37.93 USD).
    • The program is still ongoing and we would encourage the community to continue watching Yearn’s liquidity inflows and usage in the meantime. Note that there’s also a a Coinbase Quest going on with Yearn, and so far 3.5k users have completed the quest. Find out more here.

Source: OP Analytics

Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary

Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary

Incentivized DEX pools

Below are the individual DEX pools with OP incentives, with comparison across metrics like # trades, unique traders, and trade volumes. Incremental uplift is calculated by the difference between the average during incentive period vs that 30 days before incentive started.

Leave a comment here if you find any DEX pool missing.

  • 4.4M OP has been used to incentivize individuals DEX Pools (excluding Uniswap Liquidity Managers) - 2.8M to Velodrome, 1.2M to Curve, and 372k to Beethoven X.
  • Below is the summary of the top and bottom DEX pool performers in terms of incremental $ volume and cumulative net flows

Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary

Source: OP Incentive Program Performance Summary

Breakdown by Program - Liquidity

Top Inflows - Acquisition Period

App Net TVL Inflows Projected OP Deployed Net Inflows per OP
Aave $342.0M 5.0M $68.4
Velodrome $242.4M 6.7M $36.0
Arrakis Finance $82.4M 339.2K $243.1
Beefy Finance $60.8M 417.5K $145.7
Lido $44.5M 124.3K $358.0
Synthetix $42.9M 2.9M $15.0
Pooltogether $34.3M 1.0M $34.3
Dhedge $29.5M 409.5K $72.1
Beethoven X $28.0M 263.2K $106.5
Rocket Pool $20.0M 552.0K $36.2

Top Inflows - Post-Incentives Period

App Net TVL Inflows (End Date + 30 Projected OP Deployed Net Inflows per OP (End Date + 30)
Aave $77.3M 5.0M $15
Arrakis Finance $35.1M 176.7K $198
Gamma $7.6M 176.7K $43
Pooltogether $4.6M 1.0M $5
Revert Finance $1.1M 240.8K $5
Layer2Dao $235.0K 20.8K $11
Defiedge $0.0K 25.0K $0
Aelin -$2.8K 900.0K $0
Rocket Pool -$735.4K 32.3K -$23
Rubicon -$1094.2K 793.9K -$1

Note: Rubicon migrated protocol versions as the program ended, so outflows are overstated.

Breakdown by Program - App Usage

Top Usage - Acquisition Period

For usage, we aggregate all incentive programs and observe the activity on each apps’ contracts. For a broader view, see the Project Usage Trends dashboard and project <> contract mappings.

Cutoff at Program End Date (Latest Date if still Live)

App # OP Allocated OP Deployed Incremental # Txs Annualized # Txs / OP Incremental # Txs After Annualized # Txs / OP After
Stargate Finance 1.0M 619.7K 7,060 4.16 - -
Velodrome 7.0M 6.7M 6,821 0.37 - -
Rabbithole 248.5K 99.4K 6,725 24.69 - -
Rubicon 900.0K 793.9K 4,110 1.89 1,584 0.73
Pika Protocol 900.0K 776.7K 3,405 1.6 - -
Synthetix 9.0M 4.5M 3,321 0.27 - -
Aave 5.0M 5.1M 3,123 0.22 4,744 0.34
Hop Protocol 1.0M 204.7K 2,387 4.26 - -
1inch 300.0K 300.0K 2,101 2.56 390 0.47
PoolTogether 1.0M 897.0K 1,810 0.74 305 0.12

Top Usage - Post-Incentives Period

Cutoff at Program End Date + 30 days (Latest Date if not yet reached 30 days)

App # OP Allocated OP Deployed Incremental # Txs Annualized # Txs / OP Incremental # Txs After Annualized # Txs / OP After
Rubicon 900.0K 793.9K 4,110 1.89 1,584 0.73
1inch 300.0K 300.0K 2,101 2.56 390 0.47
Aave 5.0M 5.1M 3,123 0.22 4,744 0.34
Revert Finance 240.0K 240.8K 218 0.33 116 0.18
PoolTogether 1.0M 897.0K 1,810 0.74 305 0.12
WePiggy 300.0K 300.0K 39 0.05 12 0.01
XToken 900.0K 1.0M 18 0.01 3 0
Aelin 900.0K 900.0K 8 0 -5 0

Top Gas Spend - Acquisition Period

Cutoff at Program End Date (Latest Date if still Live)

App # OP Allocated OP Deployed Incremental Gas Fee ($) Annualized Gas Fee / OP Incremental Gas Fee ($) After Annualized Gas Fee / OP After
Stargate Finance 1.0M 619.7K 2,253 1.33 - -
Uniswap 1.0M 800.0K 1,694 0.77 - -
1inch 300.0K 300.0K 1,589 1.93 -17 -0.02
Rabbithole 248.5K 99.4K 1,310 4.81 - -
Synthetix 9.0M 4.5M 1,292 0.11 - -
Pika Protocol 900.0K 776.7K 1,240 0.58 - -
Velodrome 7.0M 6.7M 681 0.04 - -
Rubicon 900.0K 793.9K 629 0.29 454 0.21
Sushi 504.0K 50.0K 611 4.46 - -
Hop Protocol 1.0M 204.7K 611 1.09 - -

Top Gas Spend - Post-Incentives Period

Cutoff at Program End Date + 30 days (Latest Date if not yet reached 30 days)

App # OP Allocated OP Deployed Incremental Gas Fee ($) Annualized Gas Fee / OP Incremental Gas Fee ($) After Annualized Gas Fee / OP After
Rubicon 900.0K 793.9K 629 0.29 454 0.21
Aave 5.0M 5.1M 384 0.03 559 0.04
WePiggy 300.0K 300.0K 0 0.00 0 0.00
PoolTogether 1.0M 897.0K 227 0.09 87 0.04
Revert Finance 240.0K 240.8K 35 0.05 35 0.05
XToken 900.0K 1.0M 0 0.00 0 0.00
1inch 300.0K 300.0K 1,589 1.93 -17 -0.02
Aelin 900.0K 900.0K 0 0.00 0 0.00

Data Resources

OP Analytics Github Repo

TVL Flows by Program

Flows are shown by token at the latest price (unless otherwise indicated) | Sources: Defillama & TheGraph APIs

Onchain Usage by Program


Thanks for detailed update and transparency.

Love the updates and transparency.

Thanks for the detailed report and updates