Hey Everyone!
We have the Token House Community Call coming up next Tuesday!
We’ll be discussing the newly announced Retro Funding round for Onchain Builders and other governance topics!
The call will be taking place on google meet this time, here is the link: https://meet.google.com/vme-ovto-jcn
As always, feel free to comment below if there is anything you’d like to the agenda!

edit: time moved 1 hour earlier!
Hey Michael! 
Maybe we can try another tool for meetings too, this is Huddle01: https://huddle01.com/ this let you create video calls & spaces like X. Also the people can connect their wallets if they want, and could be a good way to explore. It’s a web3 tool 
It’s just a recommendation 
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That’s a good suggestion.
May be Chora Club(soon) as it’s built on top of Huddle & we are looking to make sure zoom bombing type of events are avoided. 
Pretty nice!! Waiting for that 
Looks cool!
I’ll try to test it out at some point to see if it makes sense.
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FYI we moved the time 1 hour earlier so that Ben & Justine can join us!
Do we have a record of all the attendees for the Joint House Call or the Community Call(earlier name)?
These calls help get to know the vibe of the community, get clarity on how things are moving and often right questions are being raised. @Michael has been wonderful in moderating these calls & the attendees have been religiously showing up to keep the call meaningful collecting the thoughts and then spreading the right information through various channels.
Like Season 5 at the onset had lots of questions & most were answered successfully during these calls. I am sure the attendees then helped many understand the changes and helped them prepared their drafts for application or help other delegates form their opinions on Mission Requests.
With all that in mind, it is a good record to keep a tab on who attends these calls and maybe someday reward them retroactively for all their time.