Grants Council Reviewer Nominations: Season 5

Hey folks! Super excited to toss my hat into the ring for Season 5 for the OP Grants Council. I hope to participate and continue to improve the experience we’ve cultivated to this point. I’m proud of the work we’ve done, and the team I’ve been able to do it with.

Grants Council Self-Nomination Template - Season 5

Council sub-committee: Growth Experiments

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate commitment: Commitment 3

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: ~7.77% is delegated to the SNX Ambassadors.

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date: The original SNX Ambassador wallet faced multisig issues from the start, and the new OPSNXAmbassador wallet was created after a few rounds of voting. In my opinion, it wouldn’t be helpful to judge participation based on this.

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: OPSNXAmbassador Snapshot + SNXAmbassador Snapshot + Voting Rational for Shadow Committee

Please outline any other contributions to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

  • Grants Council Season 3 & 4
  • Shadow DeFi Committee Member (recognized by Optimism)
  • Badgeholder for Citizens House
  • Elected member of the SNX Ambassadors and a Core Contributor at Synthetix.

Do you have a technical background? If so, please elaborate: In my role as a Synthetix core contributor, I explain complex technical matters and core mechanisms of the protocol. I do not have direct technical experience, though I do have a deep network of members of the SNX Ambassadors (& SNX core contributors) who have solidity, sql, and other development expertise.So even without ‘technical expertise’, I feel I’m still able to hold my own

Have you previously served on a Token House Council or committee? If so, please specify which: Yes, I served on the Shadow Committee (recognized by Optimism) and the Grants Council for Growth Experiments.

Please demonstrate any experience you believe is relevant to this role:

  • I am a Season 3 & 4 Optimism Grants Councillor for Growth Experiments, helping to provide valuable feedback to hundreds of projects.

  • Currently a Core Contributor for Synthetix, focusing on Communications, Marketing, and Partnerships.

  • Re-elected as one of the five SNX Ambassadors, working on governance and partnerships/business development.

  • Collaborated with many protocols across Optimism to support their growth.

  • Ability to concisely communicate complex technical topics in an understandable way.

  • Extensive knowledge of the DeFi landscape.

Please demonstrate expertise relevant to your Council sub-committee: Not specified in the provided information.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Governance Fund grant:

  • A great product/use case for the protocol within Optimism and the greater DeFi ecosystem.

  • A clear path to non-incentivized growth.

  • Clear KPIs and milestones tied to token amounts.

  • Quality team across development, community, marketing, etc.

  • A healthy Treasury to reduce the chance of OP token misuse.

  • A potential contingency plan or alternate path to distributing governance fund grants.

  • A path to protocol decentralization/governance structure.

What types of grant applications do you think will help achieve the Season 5 Intents? Very similar to my prior Season 4 intent, but I think decentralized scalable stablecoins, derivatives/financial products, oracles/bridging tools, and most importantly, cross-chain messaging tools for the OP stack.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: I am an elected member of the SNX Ambassadors and a Core Contributor at Synthetix.

Please verify that you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct: Yes

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 5: Yes

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours/week to reviewing grant applications and other Council operations: Yes