[FINAL] Pairwise: Tinder UX for web3 community signaling

Thanks @lavande ,

We’re thrilled to announce the successful completion of Milestone #4 of the Optimism Pairwise proposal. We’re eager to share the advancements we’ve made in enhancing the Pairwise system.

What We’ve Achieved:

  1. Flexible Vote Allocation: We’ve developed a feature that empowers participants to manually adjust the percentage allocation of their votes. This ensures a tailored voting experience, aligning with individual preferences and insights.
  2. Intuitive User Interface: The adjustment mechanism is seamlessly integrated, providing an intuitive experience for users. Whether you’re reallocating votes or locking in specific project percentages, the process is smooth and user-centric.
  3. Backend Enhancements: To support this feature, our backend has been optimized to handle dynamic vote adjustments, ensuring data integrity and real-time updates.


  • Staging Demo: We’re currently sharing a staging demo of the Pairwise Voting System. To transition to a live version, we require the real data from RetroPGF. In the interim, we’ll be collaborating closely with the Supermodular team to integrate our system with the voting app they’re developing to share lists with them.
  • UI/UX Overview: Pairwise Interface Design
  • Technical Documentation: Pairwise Backend & Algorithm

:movie_camera: Video Walkthrough:

Special Acknowledgments: A big thank you to our dedicated team:

  • MoeNick: For his continued leadership and strategic direction.
  • Mahdi & Youssef: For their technical prowess in bringing this feature to life.
  • Mo: For ensuring the design remains intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Zepti: For content creation and community engagement.
  • Freshelle: Our Alliance Lead, for her unwavering support and guidance.

We’re also immensely grateful to our advisor Griff for their invaluable feedback and insights.

Your feedback continues to shape our journey. Please share your experiences, thoughts, and suggestions as we refine our system further.

Together, we’re pushing the boundaries of digital democracy within the Optimism ecosystem. Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey!