[FINAL] Extend the L1Block contract to store historical block hash data

This proposal is discussed thoroughly, with amount asked and goals mentioned above, I will be voting in favor.


Hi @zhivkoto! Sorry, I am a non-technical profile and it was a bit difficult for me to understand this mission so I have a doubt how the storage of historical block hash data contributes to the technical decentralization? I see you are an experienced team and I would like to see you building more for Optimism :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @brichis, that’s a great question. Thank you for looking at our proposal.

One can make a case for this proposal being both under Intent #1 and Intent #2 (novel use cases).

The case for #1 is that it will allow building decentralized components of the OP stack - e.g bridges. Data messaging protocols(bridges) won’t be forced to use zk light clients or centralized oracles, but will be able to use client-side ran libraries that reason about the data in the current and past state of L1.

Another point for that case is that it will also help decentralize the stack with one more team doing work on it.

It is the first time we write a mission proposal and were a bit confused which intent is the most appropriate, but hope our reasoning makes sense as the proposal should be a net positive for both intent #1 and intent #2.


Thank you very much for taking the time to answer, now I understand your proposal better :slightly_smiling_face:

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I voted yes on this proposal, heavily leaning on my colleague Jordan Clifford’s technical input and that the amount requested is small.

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I am voting YES on this proposal as I mentioned above due to small amount and interesting technical content.

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Was chatting with @philogy about about this he optimized and tested a contract for this found here Not sure i believe this should have 10k OP allocated as it’s very small amount on LOC and ring buffers are relatively simple.


Hello @zhivkoto

In an attempt to ensure the highest probability of success, can you reach out to me at mark@oplabs.co so we can align on this work stream?



Yes, just sent an email!

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Hi @zhivkoto!

As Season 4 draws to a close this week, we’re so excited to see how you’ve executed on your Mission! Please post an update for the community here outlining the milestones you’ve met this Thursday (9/20) by 19:00 GMT. Please include links to any final work products as we’ll create a final roundup linking to all Mission deliverables.

We also encourage you to sign-up for RetroPGF Round 3. You’ll be able to describe the impact of your Mission when you sign-up: RetroPGF Round 3 Applications Are Open

Thanks again for being part of this experiment and helping us build the Collective :heart:


hey @lavande. thanks for checking in!

We have developed the contract extension as decribed in the original post and have a pending pull request here - contracts-bedrock: extend the l1block contract to store historical block hash data by vladimir-trifonov ¡ Pull Request #6903 ¡ ethereum-optimism/optimism ¡ GitHub. After some back and forth, addressing comments etc. - our work should be considered done, pending implementation / merging by the Optimism development team.

Once it’s implemented, the L1 block contract extension should be ready to be leveraged by builders in the Optimism ecosystem.

Appreciate the RetroPGF shout out. Once we see measurable impact from our efforts, we’ll make sure to apply!


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Thanks for the update @zhivkoto! Please not that all Missions will be able to showcase their work tomorrow during a dedicated Mission demo day on September 28th, at 16:00 GMT on the Discord mainstage!

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Demo Day - Mission Proposal Edition September 28th 2023 - 4pm UTC

Show off your Season 4 Mission Proposal accomplishments and milestones:

  • Each mission proposal will get 2 minutes to present
  • Summarize your mission proposal
  • List your milestones and the results of those milestones

Apply here - (Discord):

Presenter Discord Handle → must be in the Optimism Discord
Link to your mission proposal


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hey @Jrocki and @lavande, appreciate spreading the word about Demo Day. At this point, we’ve decided not to apply as our mission proposal is very technical and the deliverable is only visible on github and yet to be merged.

Once our mission has had a bigger impact (implemented + people using it), we’ll make sure to tell the world and share findings!


Wondering if this is going to be accepted to the Optimism mainnet or not?

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Hey @chom, thanks for checking it!

This hasn’t been accepted into the mainnet yet, but we hope it will. The only thing left is final approval by the core team.

After initial back and forth on the implementation was cleared, the PR had been left open for months and has recently been closed due to inactivity.

Any way to bring this forward to the core team’s attention?

cc @tynes for visibility

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This will not be merged into the OP Stack. The functionality is replaced by the adoption of EIP-4788 in the Ecotone network upgrade


How would this work? Is the idea that the OP Stack version of 4788 would expose the L1 block hash instead of the beacon block root?

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