Edit 1/23 - Reduced grant amount from 80K to 40K
Delegate Mission Request Summary: Research, document & implement Proof Of Concepts of different approaches to scale the capacity of badgeholders to allocate Retroactive Public Good Funding (retroPGF) to an ever growing pool of applicants without losing confidence on the alignment of the allocation with the badgeholders perspectives.
This mission is stating the problem rather than focusing on a specific solution with the intention of attracting a diverse set of solutions that can offer novel approaches to make RetroPGF more efficient and less overwhelming for badgeholders.
S5 Intent 4: Improve governance accessibility
Proposing Delegate: 404 DAO
Proposal Tier 13: Ember
Baseline grant amount: 40K (Up to 20K per applicant)
Should this Foundation Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants: Multiple.
Submit by: To be set by Grants Council
Selection by: To be set by Grants Council
Start date: ASAP
Completion date: 4 months would be ideal to draw insights for RetoPGF4
How will this Delegate Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?
Ariiellus analysis from the feedback forum post of RetroPGF3 showed the number of projects as the most popular category for feedback. Several Badge Holders expressed feeling overwhelmed by the number of projects including @katie Katie’s feedback, @amer Amer’s feedback & @itublockchain itublockchain’s feedback
Here are a couple of screenshots from the feedback:
Optimism governance relies on the Optimism’s two-house system. There seems to be agreement in the citizen house on the need to scale the capacity of badgeholders to effectively vote for applicants to RetroPGF. Many solutions were suggested in the referenced forum post. The Optimism collective could benefit from deeper research & implementation of Proof Of Concepts of these or other novel solutions to improve one of the weakest elements of Optimsm governance.
What is required to execute this Delegate Mission Request?
- Each team should have the capacity to both perform robust research of different solutions and implement a POC of one or more solutions.
- Researchers are required to submit a comprehensive proposal, which should include:
- A list of research topics.
- Grant size justification for each topic.
- The main researchers and developers’ relevant past experiences.
- The potential uses and advantages of the proposed topics.
- An initial plan for implementation, which may be modified during the project.
- The implementation work should be carried out on a repository or forked repository that is open-sourced to the public.
Shamelessly taking well crafted elements of this Mission request
How should the Token House measure progress towards this Mission?
Each project may choose their own milestones. However, most applications should include the following.
- An initial report of the approaches researched, an assessment of the most suitable solutions & one or more approaches selected to be implemented.
- Implementation of the POC.
- A well documented Github repo with all milestones completed.
How should badgeholders measure impact upon completion of this Mission?
- Badgeholders may assess the quality of the research, the suitable solution and the approaches selected.
- Badgeholders may test the POC and evaluate if it does scale their capacity to allocate RetroPGF.
- Approaches should be contrasted to consider implementing one or multiple solution in a following round.
Have you engaged a Grant-as-a-service provider for this Mission Request? If so, please disclose the details of this arrangement, to the extent possible:
This mission request draft was written by Cotabe, a core contributor of General Magic, an organization that offers Grant Management services. Nor General Magic, nor myself are getting paid or expecting any compensation for this work. We are doubling down in supporting the Optimism Collective in its pursuit to build a better tech stack for the Optimism Collective and attract builders and projects more efficiently.
Has anyone other than the Proposing Delegate contributed to this Mission Request? If so, who, and what parts of this application did they contribute to?
No one else contributed to this proposal.