Hi @v3naru_Curia!
I bounced some points wanting to keep the ball rolling.
I clarify that the current recaps of the community calls are not tracking attendance; and I find it difficult to start doing so… especially because the user-name in the Google Meet could be different from the user-name in the forum; also that the attendance to the call (with camera off) does not show how ‘attentive’ they really are to what is happening in it.
Keeping an eye out for anyone who can come up with a way to do this.
It comes to mind; In order for proposals to move to a vote, four of the top 100 delegates must give explicit approval on the discussion thread (with the mythical text ‘I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.’). If so, the proposals are then reflected in the Voting Cycle Roundup.
So the mention in those threads could validate that the proposal was put to a vote (which is an important milestone that could be considered in the Forum Score).
What I meant was that I anticipate that (if there is a trend towards using the forum as a verification mechanism) it is possible that some bots could rank very high in the Forum Score (for having posts with ‘a lot of interaction’ comments), isn’t it? Although, I also assume this could be corrected with the use of AI, as you mention above. Just to highlight again the ‘quantity’ vs ‘quality’ issue.
I guess I’m stating the obvious, but I hope it inspires others with more sophisticated suggestions.
Anyway, happy to keep bouncing ideas off with you all.