Community Calls - Biweekly Recap - Season 7

Joint House Call [February 25th 19:00 UTC]

Hi there; :nerd_face:

Here the ppt slides :point_left:

And here a summary of todays’ call:

:rotating_light: Announcements

  • Delegates: No proposals this cycle to vote on.

  • February 27th:

    • Decision Market Go Live (OP Futarchy Experiment) Signup Form here

    • RetroFunding On-chain builders application deadline

      • The budget for the round is 8M OP. We have 6 measurement periods (Feb - July). Each month 1.3M OP will be rewarded (Feb - 1.3m OP / March - 1.3m OP)
      • To be considered for the Feb measurement period, you need to apply by Feb 27th. If you apply later, you will be considered for the next period. Apply Here
    • Voting on Retro Funding algorithms going live for Citizens and Guest Voters. More info here

:star2: Citizenship Update Season 7

@optimistic_emily shared about:

  • Expertise is important in impact measurement
    • In Retro Funding 5, OP Stack experts produced an overall more accurate allocation, as judged by stakeholders
    • Expert judgment is an essential input to measurement
    • Separating out measurement from expressing higher level values / preferences allows us to leverage expertise without excluding other stakeholders
  • Opt-in bias means self-selection doesn’t create a diverse group of participants
    • The resulting group (who volunteer themselves) ended up being very similar to Citizens on demographic characteristics and preferences
  • Season 7
    • ~150 Guest voters were invited to participate from the following categories: community contributors, Superchain members, past top 30 recipients of Retro Funding and elected officials
    • Citizenship is about being a stakeholder of the Collective and expressing values and preferences on decisions that have no right or wrong answer.
    • The Citizenry should be a balanced group of the Collective’s stakeholders.
    • In Season 7, we want to learn more about the Collective’s stakeholders.
  • Here are some questions we want to answer:
    • Are the persona groups we uncovered in interviews reflected in the preferences related to Retro Funding?
    • Will some groups have higher voter turnout than others?
    • Will team members vote independently from each other or form voting blocs?

:bar_chart: Decision Market (OP Futarchy Experiment)

  • Futarki OP Decision Market Experiment launching on February 27 and will last for three weeks. You can join even if it has started.
  • @elizaoak presents the motivation for the Futarchy experiment to make more decentralized and effective decisions. In this experiment, forecasters will use game tokens instead of real money.
  • Five projects will compete for a 100K grant, with forecasters predicting TBL growth.
  • Impact of experiment will be measured on June 12th, with forecasters rewarded based on accuracy.
  • @Michael explained how prediction markets work by splitting and swapping 3Play tokens.
  • More info will be share here prior to launch.
  • Signup Form here

:ballot_box: Curia Forum Score Integration

  • Designed to provide a quantifiable measure of a delegate’s activity and engagement in DAO governance discussions.
  • Forum Score aggregates several key metrics from governance activities.
    • Forum Score = ((Max_Score * 1) + (Proposal Score * 1) + (Overall Topic Score * 0.5) +
      (Activeness Score * 0.5)) / (Sum of Weights * Max_Score)
  • The ask:
    • Link Your Forum Score
    • Share your feedback on how to better calculate Forum Score
    • More info here

:speaking_head: Shoutouts

  • to the Anticapture Commission (ACC) lead and members for coordinating to clean up the ACC’s multi-sig by removing all signers no long on the Commission

  • Happy ETH Denver to all of you out there! Don’t miss the Superchain Space that started today.

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